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StripeKit 1.0.6

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@Andrewangeta Andrewangeta released this 16 Jul 00:12

This release adopts the NIO pattern of retuning failed EventLoopFutures rather than having throwing functions. So instead of a do catch pattern you would opt for something like this instead

stripe.charges.create(amount: 2500,
                       currency: .usd,
		       description: "A server written in swift.",
                       source: "tok_visa")
 .flatMap { (charge) -> EventLoopFuture<Void> in
	  if charge.status == .succeeded {
	      print("New servers are on the way 🚀")
	  } else {
	      print("Sorry you have to use Node.js 🤢")
  .flatMapError { error in
     print("Stripe error \(error.message)")