Improve the messaging for the version command
This patch was authored by @BennyDeBock and released by @0xTim.
When using vapor --version, the output in a non vapor directory would be
# note: no Package.resolved was found.
# framework: not found
# toolbox: 18.3.3
This pr changes those framework and note texts to:
# note: no Package.resolved file was found. Possibly not currently in a Swift package directory
# framework: vapor framework for this project: no Package.resolved file found. Please ensure you are in a Vapor project directory. If you are, ensure you have built the project with 'swift build'. You can create a new project with 'vapor new MyProject'
in projects that have no Package.resolved.
in projects that do have a Package.resolved but that aren't Vapor projects it changes the framework text to:
# framework: vapor framework for this project: this Swift project does not depend on Vapor. Please ensure you are in a Vapor project directory. If you are, ensure you have built the project with 'swift build'. You can create a new project with 'vapor new MyProject'
closes #345