Raspberry Pi -QNX ( BCM2835 ) QNX Neutrino 6.5.0 sp1 BSP for Raspberry Pi b+ & Raspberry Pi Zero W(bcm2835)
- Kernel Up & fully functioning
- Serial Debug
- Graphics
- Some Extent SPI Touch screen
Features to be added 1.MMC 2.Ethernet/Wifi
- Unzip it
- Create a Empty Project
- File ->Import -> General -> Existing projects into workspace --> File System ( select the folder)
- Build it
- Copy the files of "working_image" to the SD Card.. Connect USB to Serial /TTL adapter . power ON
- Compiled image will be here BSP_Rasp/images
Use the latest Firmware https://github.com/raspberrypi/firmware/tree/master/boot
Add the below lines at the end of "Config.txt" File
enable_uart=1 dtoverlay=pi3-miniuart-bt init_uart_clock=3000000
Copy these files from Working_image to SD Card
kernel.img boot.scr ifs-bcm2835.bin
refer .build file .. ls,uname,sloginfo,kill,date
- Led-red
- Led-green
- egl-gears-lite
- gf_splash /usr/share/backdrops/1024x768/neutrino_02_1024x768.jpg
Enable Photon ,io-graphics, phfont pls note : QNX stopped supporting photon support on ARM platform..
- devc-pty
- bkgdmgr
- pwm
- shelf
- pterm
- mypro
- gui-app
- pfm
- pv
- phsutdown
- phcalc
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Licensing ( Refer license.txt) Source code is distributed under Apache License. Please Note : Final QNX Image distribution requires run time license for each systems.. contact QNX