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Using BoardBuilder

Doug Rimmer edited this page Mar 22, 2017 · 14 revisions

This document describes how to use the BoardBuilder tool to build/compile the board archive files (i.e. bdXX) that are used by VASL to display mapboards.

The build/compile (the terms have the same meaning in this context) action is one step in the larger process of creating or updating a VASL board. Instructions for the complete process are found at: Creating, adding LOS data to, and Updating Boards in the Age of Automatic Board Synchronization.

Boardbuilder is included in the VASL code repository. To use it, it is necessary to clone a copy of the VASL code repository. Instructions for doing so are included in the GettingStartedWithVaslDevelopment.docx found in the /dev documentation directory of

Once the VASL code repository is installed on a local machine, it is necessary to configure it to run. Procedures for doing so will differ depending on the IDE being used. The following instructions are based on the IntelliJ IDE from JetBrains.