I am software engineer, and I have started learning programming in 1996, at age of 12. My first computer was IBM PS/2 Model 55SX with Intel 80386 SX, which I got from my aunt.
NOTE: At the time, I was "observing" stuff installed on my computer without internet, and I took many journeys, experiments, which often led to "broken computer".
In years, my ways of learning had improved, but I still think that playing is the fastest way to learn. Playing should be the first experience, theory should follow next.
Mostly, it serves for HRs or companies I am applying for. This repository contains sample code using various technologies or algorithms which might be required for the job.
Here I present only stuff which I developed myself, it's not copy-pasted code.
At root you can see several sub-directories which represent some categories. The categories are mostly online sites which offer some public online assignments (courses) or challenges. Under particular subdirectory can be found solutions for problems/courses where I have participated:
- Coursera
- EdX
- HackerRank
- Codility
- LambdaConf 2018 - Notes, excercises, workshops
- Other (Codewars, OverTheWire, etc.)
Directory projects
contains standalone "toy" projects, which are not bound with any
organization or some online course. For example:
- turbo-pong (C++, Boost, SDL, GTest) - Sample Pong game for two players
- tsp-playing (Java, Swing) - Solving Hamiltonian cycle by "convex hull" algorithm
- sudoku-c (C) - sudoku solver
- sudoku-csharp (C#) - sudoku solver and experimental generator
- cubra (Haskell) - cubra qube solver
- game-of-life (Elm) - Game-of-life in hexagonal grid
- clovece-nehnevaj-sa (C/C++) - "Mensch �rgere Dich nicht" (Don't get angry, man) - using OpenGL, and 3D graphics
- snake (Python) - simple Snake game - interactive + ascii
- fixlines (Haskell) - Remove newlines inside paragraphs in text files
- cosine-sim (Scala) - Cosine similarity of arbitrary documents
- diffcode (Scala) - Multiple similarities between semantically similar documents (e.g. Java, plaintext, 8080 assembler)
- fast-bf (Java) - Very-fast brainfuck interpreter
- okresy (Python, Google Maps) - Retrieve distances of villages/towns from their district cities
- python-configstore (Python) - Memory based "configuration" store, like a map, with interesting features