A little app to manage the artists playlist in deezer.
You can use it here: https://deeplo.vboof.fr/
(It is a static site exposed as a github pages, there is not backend, it connects directly to the deezer api.)
to test the auth, you need to get an app key from deezer (https://developers.deezer.com/myapps) : and you need to expose the app on port 80.
you can use localhost + local reverse proxy for this:
sudo socat TCP-LISTEN:80,reuseaddr,fork,su=nobody TCP:
So I configure the application with:
- application domain: localhost
- redirect url: https://localhost/auth/callback
- tos url: https://localhost/tos
then store the application id in variables in .env
at the root of the project.
see .env.example for all the variables to be defined
icons come from iconify, mostly from https://icon-sets.iconify.design/ph