👋 Hi, I’m Vivek Das and you can find more about me in my website Vivek Das
👀 I work on finding therapeutic target or biomarkers (prognostic/predictive) for multiple cardiometabolomic (e.g. Chronic Kidney, Athersclerosis, Diabetes, Liver, Neurodegenrative, etc.) diseases combining data-driven and knowledge-driven avenues by leveraging the integreation of bulk and single cell multi-omics data alongside clinical data from human observational cohorts and clinical trials
🌱 I currently collaborate, lead studies or projects and team of exceptional clinical data scientistists and bioinformaticians involving single-cell transcriptomcis, spatial transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics, multi-omics data integration, clinical data integration to achieve the above
💻 I also worked on omics projects involving preclinical data with interventional designs e.g. knockout or drug treated at single cell or bulk multi-omics level
💞️ I also collaborate on developing applied machine learning models using publicly available data with curious students or researchers and contribute to open science and open source modeling. I am fascinated by the potential of high-dimnesional and high-throughput biomedical data.
📚 To read more about our works kindly check out Google Scholar page at: https://scholar.google.it/citations?user=l_Aj58cAAAAJ&hl=en