.NET Client for OVH API (More info about API can be found at https://api.ovh.com/).
The API is automatically generated from OVH documentation using CodeDom and T4 templates.
Built for:
- .NET 4.5 with async/await and System.Net.Http
- .NET 4.0 with sync methods
- Create your Application keys and tokens
To create an application key and password, visit the OVH page to create application
Once the application key and secret are created, you must retrieve a consumer key that is linked to an OVH Account. The only parameter of RequestRredential method is an array of AccessRule specifying the access rights required by the application.
OvhApiClient api = new OvhApiClient("YOUR_APPLICATION_KEY",
CredentialsResponse response = api.RequestCredential(new []{
new AccessRule{ Method = "GET", Path = "/*"},
// new AccessRule{ Method = "PUT", Path = "/*"},
// new AccessRule{ Method = "POST", Path = "/*"},
// new AccessRule{ Method = "DELETE", Path = "/*"},
The previous code returns a CredentialsResponse.ValidationUrl. You must use this url to link your application with your OVH NickHandle. Therefore, Copy/Paste or redirect user to that url to create the ConsumerKey.
- Consume API services
OvhApiClient api = new OvhApiClient("YOUR_APPLICATION_KEY",
//now, you can use your api to access your OVH Services