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Merge pull request #232 from mldiego/master
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Fix bug checkRobust
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mldiego authored Aug 5, 2024
2 parents 50da012 + e1d003f commit b8d4bcc
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Showing 9 changed files with 123 additions and 52 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion code/nnv/engine/nn/NN.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -369,7 +369,7 @@
nr = length(outputSet);
R = Star;
for s=1:nr
R = outputSet(s).toStar;
R(s) = outputSet(s).toStar;
R = outputSet;
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3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions code/nnv/engine/nn/funcs/PosLin.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2073,6 +2073,9 @@
R = PosLin.reach_star_approx2(I, option, dis_opt, lp_solver);
elseif strcmp(method, 'relax-star-range')
R = PosLin.reach_relaxed_star_range(I, relaxFactor, option, dis_opt, lp_solver);
if contains(method, 'reduceMem')
R = R.reduceConstraints;
elseif strcmp(method, 'relax-star-bound')
R = PosLin.reach_relaxed_star_bound(I, relaxFactor, option, dis_opt, lp_solver);
elseif strcmp(method, 'relax-star-area')
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8 changes: 5 additions & 3 deletions code/nnv/engine/nn/layers/ConcatenationLayer.m
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Expand Up @@ -107,9 +107,11 @@

% Get max size of V
vSize = size(inputs{1}.V);
indexMax = 1;
for i = 2:length(inputs)
if numel(size(inputs{i}.V)) > numel(vSize)
vSize = inputs{i}.V;
if numel(inputs{i}.V) > prod(vSize)
vSize = size(inputs{i}.V);
indexMax = i;

Expand All @@ -125,7 +127,7 @@

% Create output set
outputs = ImageStar(new_V, inputs{1}.C, inputs{1}.d, inputs{1}.pred_lb, inputs{1}.pred_ub);
outputs = ImageStar(new_V, inputs{indexMax}.C, inputs{indexMax}.d, inputs{indexMax}.pred_lb, inputs{indexMax}.pred_ub);

% handle multiple inputs
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34 changes: 33 additions & 1 deletion code/nnv/engine/nn/layers/ReluLayer.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -104,13 +104,45 @@
h = in_image.height;
w = in_image.width;
c = in_image.numChannel;

reduceMem = 0;
if contains(method, "reduceMem")
method = split(method, '-');
method = strjoin(method(1:end-1),'-');
reduceMem = 1;
Y = PosLin.reach(in_image.toStar, method, [], relaxFactor, dis_opt, lp_solver); % reachable set computation with ReLU
n = length(Y);
images(n) = ImageStar;
% transform back to ImageStar
for i=1:n
images(i) = Y(i).toImageStar(h,w,c);
if reduceMem
[l,u] = images(i).estimateRanges;
% Get dimensions
h = images(i).height;
w = images(i).width;
c = images(i).numChannel;
% create ImageStar variables
center = cast(0.5*(u+l), 'like', in_image.V);
v = 0.5*(u-l);
idxRegion = find((l-u));
n = length(idxRegion);
V = zeros(h, w, c, n, 'like', center);
bCount = 1;
for i1 = 1:size(v,1)
for i2 = 1:size(v,2)
basisValue = v(i1,i2);
if basisValue
V(i1,i2,:,bCount) = v(i1,i2);
bCount = bCount + 1;
C = zeros(1, n, 'like', V);
d = zeros(1, 1, 'like', V);
% Construct ImageStar
images(i) = ImageStar(cat(4,center,V), C, d, -1*ones(n,1), ones(n,1), l, u);
else % star
images = PosLin.reach(in_image, method, [], relaxFactor, dis_opt, lp_solver); % reachable set computation with ReLU
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54 changes: 22 additions & 32 deletions code/nnv/engine/set/ImageStar.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -511,17 +511,19 @@

function image = recurrentMap(obj, h_t_1, inputWeight, recurrentWeight, bias)
n = obj.numPred;
N = obj.height*obj.width*obj.numChannel;
for i=1:n+1
I = in_image.V(:,:,:,i);
%I = reshape(I,N,1); % flatten input
if i==1
V(1, 1,:,i) = double(inputWeight)*I + double(recurrentWeight)*h_t_1 + double(bias);
V(1, 1,:,i) = double(inputWeight)*I;
% Whoever implemented this, did not use it as it would return an error
% n = obj.numPred;
% N = obj.height*obj.width*obj.numChannel;
% for i=1:n+1
% I = in_image.V(:,:,:,i);
% %I = reshape(I,N,1); % flatten input
% if i==1
% V(1, 1,:,i) = double(inputWeight)*I + double(recurrentWeight)*h_t_1 + double(bias);
% else
% V(1, 1,:,i) = double(inputWeight)*I;
% end
% end
error("Not supported yet.");

function image = HadamardProduct(obj, I)
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if isempty(obj.C) || isempty(obj.d)
error('The imagestar is empty');
warning('The imagestar is empty');
% no ranges, so bounds are the same as image
obj.im_lb = obj.V;
obj.im_ub = obj.V;

if isempty(obj.im_lb) || isempty(obj.im_ub)

image_lb = zeros(obj.height, obj.width, obj.numChannel);
image_ub = zeros(obj.height, obj.width, obj.numChannel);
reverseStr = '';
N = obj.height*obj.width*obj.numChannel;
if strcmp(dis_opt, 'display')
fprintf('\nEstimating Range: ');
for i=1:obj.height
for j=1:obj.width
for k=1:obj.numChannel
[image_lb(i, j, k), image_ub(i, j, k)] = obj.estimateRange(i,j,k);
if strcmp(dis_opt, 'display')
msg = sprintf('%d/%d', i*j*k, N);
fprintf([reverseStr, msg]);
reverseStr = repmat(sprintf('\b'), 1, length(msg));
x1 = obj.V(:,:,:,1) + tensorprod(obj.V(:,:,:,2:end), obj.pred_lb, 4, 1);
x2 = obj.V(:,:,:,1) + tensorprod(obj.V(:,:,:,2:end), obj.pred_ub, 4, 1);
image_lb = min(x1,x2);
image_ub = max(x1,x2);

obj.im_lb = image_lb;
obj.im_ub = image_ub;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1523,7 +1513,7 @@ function addInputSize(obj, name, inputSize)
new_d = [in_IS.d; new_d];



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24 changes: 15 additions & 9 deletions code/nnv/examples/NN/FairNNV/adult_exact_verify.m
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Expand Up @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
clear; clc;
modelDir = './adult_onnx'; % Directory containing ONNX models
onnxFiles = dir(fullfile(modelDir, '*.onnx')); % List all .onnx files
onnxFiles = onnxFiles(1); % simplify for debugging

load("adult_data.mat", 'X', 'y'); % Load data once

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -58,12 +59,12 @@
% First, we define the reachability options
reachOptions = struct; % initialize
reachOptions.reachMethod = 'exact-star';
reachOptions.relaxFactor = 0.5;

nR = 50; % ---> just chosen arbitrarily

% ADJUST epsilons value here
epsilon = [0.0,0.001,0.01];
% epsilon = [0.001,0.01];
epsilon = 0.01;

% Set up results
nE = 3;
Expand All @@ -87,19 +88,23 @@
start(verificationTimer); % Start the timer

for i=1:numObs
% for i=1:numObs
for i=57
idx = rand_indices(i);
IS = perturbationIF(X_test_loaded(:, idx), epsilon(e), min_values, max_values);

unsafeRegion = net.robustness_set(y_test_loaded(idx), 'min');

t = tic; % Start timing the verification for each sample

temp = net.verify_robustness(IS, reachOptions, y_test_loaded(idx));
temp = net.verify_robustness(IS, reachOptions, unsafeRegion);
met(i,e) = 'exact';
res(i,e) = temp; % robust result
% end

res(i,e) = temp; % robust result
time(i,e) = toc(t); % store computation time

if ~(temp == 1)
counterExs = getCounterRegion(IS,unsafeRegion,net.reachSet{end});

% Check for timeout flag
if evalin('base', 'timeoutOccurred')
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -164,6 +169,7 @@
% Calculate disturbed lower and upper bounds considering min and max values
lb = max(x - disturbance, min_values);
ub = min(x + disturbance, max_values);
IS = ImageStar(single(lb), single(ub)); % default: single (assume onnx input models)
IS = Star(single(lb), single(ub)); % default: single (assume onnx input models)


11 changes: 6 additions & 5 deletions code/nnv/examples/NN/FairNNV/adult_verifiy.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
nR = 50; % ---> just chosen arbitrarily

% ADJUST epsilon values here
epsilon = [0.0,0.001,0.01];
epsilon = [0.001,0.01];

% Set up results
Expand All @@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
start(verificationTimer); % Start the timer

% Iterate through observations
for i=1:numObs
for i=38
idx = rand_indices(i);
[IS, xRand] = perturbationIF(X_test_loaded(:, idx), epsilon(e), nR, min_values, max_values);

Expand All @@ -109,6 +109,7 @@
time(i,e) = toc(t);
met(i,e) = "counterexample";
skipTryCatch = true; % Set the flag to skip try-catch block
disp('Counter example found');
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -198,7 +199,7 @@
% Calculate disturbed lower and upper bounds considering min and max values
lb = max(x - disturbance, min_values);
ub = min(x + disturbance, max_values);
IS = ImageStar(single(lb), single(ub)); % default: single (assume onnx input models)
IS = Star(single(lb), single(ub)); % default: single (assume onnx input models)

% Create random samples from initial set
% Adjusted reshaping according to specific needs
Expand All @@ -208,7 +209,7 @@
xRand = xB.sample(nR);
xRand = reshape(xRand,[13,nR]);
xRand(:,nR+1) = x; % add original image
xRand(:,nR+2) = IS.im_lb; % add lower bound image
xRand(:,nR+3) = IS.im_ub; % add upper bound image
xRand(:,nR+2) =; % add lower bound image
xRand(:,nR+3) = xB.ub; % add upper bound image

38 changes: 38 additions & 0 deletions code/nnv/examples/NN/FairNNV/getCounterRegion.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
function counterExamples = getCounterRegion(inputSet, unsafeRegion, reachSet)
% counterExamples = getCounterRegion(inputSet, unsafeRegion, reachSet)
% NOTE: This is only to be used with exact-star method
% unsafeRegion = HalfSpace (unsafe/undesired region)
% inputSet = ImageStar/Star
% reachSet = Star
% check the "safety" of the reachSet
% Then, generate counterexamples

% Initialize variables
counterExamples = [];

% Get halfspace variables
G = unsafeRegion.G;
g = unsafeRegion.g;

% Check for valid inputs
if ~isa(inputSet, "Star")
error("Must be a Star");
if ~isa(reachSet, "Star")
error("Must be Star or ImageStar");

% Begin counterexample computation
n = length(reachSet); % number of stars in the output set
V = inputSet.V;
for i=1:n
% Check for safety, if unsafe, add to counter
if ~isempty(reachSet(i).intersectHalfSpace(G, g))
counterExamples = [counterExamples Star(V, reachSet(i).C, reachSet(i).d,...
reachSet(i).predicate_lb, reachSet(i).predicate_ub)];


This file was deleted.

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