An easy to use Library to interact with the Algorand Blockchain.
Lead Maintainer: Ted Nivan
You can find installation instructions and detailed instructions on how to use this package at the dedicated documentation site.
Get the information of a single transaction.
#include <Algoduino.h>
Algoduino myAlgoduino = Algoduino("<ssid>", "<password>", "<apiKey>", <network>);
void setup()
void loop()
TransactionInformation transactionInformation = myAlgoduino.getTransactionInformation("<txid>");
String type = transactionInformation.type;
String tx = transactionInformation.tx;
String from = transactionInformation.from;
int fee = transactionInformation.fee;
long first_round = transactionInformation.first_round;
long last_round = transactionInformation.last_round;
String noteb64 = transactionInformation.noteb64;
long round = transactionInformation.round;
long id =;
int amt = transactionInformation.curxfer.amt;
String snd = transactionInformation.curxfer.snd;
String rcv = transactionInformation.curxfer.rcv;
String closeto = transactionInformation.curxfer.closeto;
int fromrewards = transactionInformation.fromrewards;
String genesisID = transactionInformation.genesisID;
String genesishashb64 = transactionInformation.genesishashb64;
Serial.println("type: " + type);
Serial.println("txt: " + tx);
Serial.println("from: " + from);
Serial.println("fee: " + String(fee));
Serial.println("first_round: " + String(first_round));
Serial.println("last_round: " + String(last_round));
Serial.println("noteb64: " + noteb64);
Serial.println("round: " + String(round));
Serial.println("id: " + String(id));
Serial.println("amt: " + String(amt));
Serial.println("snd: " + snd);
Serial.println("rcv: " + rcv);
Serial.println("closeto: " + closeto);
Serial.println("fromrewards: " + String(fromrewards));
Serial.println("genesisID: " + genesisID);
Serial.println("genesishashb64: " + genesishashb64);
Output from Serial Monitor
type: pay
fee: 1000
first_round: 7051531
last_round: 7052031
noteb64: eyJwcmljZV9hbGdvX3VzZCI6MC4yNDM0NTczMjg1NTIyMzYzNywicHJpY2VfYWxnb19idGMiOjAuMDAwMDI1Mzc4MTM1NTAzNzEyNDQ4LCJsYXN0X3RyYWRlX2F0IjoiMjAyMC0wNi0wM1QyMTo0ODo0NC4yM1oiLCJ0aW1lc3RhbXAiOiIyMDIwLTA2LTAzVDIxOjQ4OjU4LjIzMFoifQ==
round: 7051533
id: 0
amt: 0
snd: null
rcv: null
closeto: null
fromrewards: 0
genesisID: null
genesishashb64: null
If you discover a security vulnerability within this package, please send an e-mail to [email protected]. All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.