This has been tested on a RPI3 running raspbian and on Ubuntu 19.10
apt install python3-pip
apt install python3-tk
pip3 install pylast
pip3 install guizero[images]
If you get this error about resizing, (re-)install PIL
Image resizing - cannot scale the image as PIL is not available.
python3 -m pip install --upgrade Pillow
Be sure to create and add a api key and your username in the config.ini
More settings are available to play with.
On Ubuntu, just use
For the RPI use the following script to start the application. It allows to be run from a remote shell and disables the mouse cursor
export DISPLAY=:0.0
killall unclutter
unclutter -idle 0 &
You can exit the fullscreen application by pressing esc
. Then you can close the window.
Killing the script also works fine.
I've attached an 'Optoma pico pk201' projector to my RPI. This projector's size is almost equal to my RPI. Leaves a nice projection on my wall next to my computer.
Sometimes, nothing is shown. This can have 2 reasons. One is that is temporary down, most of the time it's back in a minute. It's also possible that no album cover is present. A backup was implemented display the artist coverart instead, but I've noticed most of the time both are not there. Just wait for the next song I guess! Or.. Add the coverart yourself on!