SaMMy is an IoT, cloud-based platform which provides services for the yachting industry; Namely, it enables the marinas to efficiently manage their resources, to attract and serve more yachts and support the local markets by linking them with the yachting community. SaMMY’s main goal is to simplify marinas’ operational processes, strengthening the yachters’ engagement with them as well and also offer easy-to-use online services for the end-users (yachters, skippers, crew members).
SaMMY’s architecture involves a sensor grid network, gateways and data collectors, customised communication protocols between devices and systems, a unified RESTful-based data model and a series of services through web interfaces, plus a mobile application (iOS and Android). The sensor readings are processed so as to become suitable for the Marina Management needs but also for the yachters/skippers/crew members. The network infrastructure and the low-level software components (agents and collectors) are used to transfer the data into the cloud, which act as the data storage pool of the various end-user services. The architecture of the platform enables interoperability with other IoT providers or systems, using open source technologies and application-irrelevant data models (RESTful-JSON).
SaMMY IoT platform includes the following the IoT resources:
Environmental sensors
1.1 Air Temperature
1.2 Humidity
1.3 Water Temperature
1.4 Oxygen Radiation
1.5 PH
Berth spaces occupancy/availability
2.1 11-devices for respective berth spaces, namely spaces 5-15
14-SaMMY IoT resources (1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and 11-devices from 2.1) have been modelled according to Vicinity adapters ontology and thus registered within Vicinity platform, while 2-more sensors, namely the PH and Oxygen radiation, are to be integrated when proper adapter models are available in Vicinity adapters ontology.
SaMMY devices from Patras (Greece) port mooring that have been registered in Vicinity platform:
Resource / PID | Description / Thing Name | Adapter Model | Adapter Monitored Property |
TEMP | Air Temperature | Thermometer | AmbientTemperature |
HUMA | Humidity | HumiditySensor | RelativeHumidity |
IN_TEMP | Water Temperature | Thermometer | AmbientTemperature |
BSx (*) | Air Temperature | OccupancySensor | OnOff |
(*) x = 5, 6, ...., 15
SaMMY@VICINITY integration demo is configured via
SaMMY@VICINITY for SaMMY is developed in Java 8 and uses Spring Boot Framework 2.x, thus it can be installed via:
mvn install
Stay tuned!