Description: Photo Album Manager is a web application, wherein user can view their albums and photos.
- Vignesh Kumar Subramanian
- Ramya Raju
Techstack used:
Front end:
- AngularJS
- Bootstrap
Backend (Web services):
- NodeJS
- Express
- MongoDB
Steps to run the application:
- Clone the repository in your machine.
- Install NodeJS depending upon your machine(PC, Mac).
- Install MongoDb and mongoDB client
- Create a database using the client and create two collections called "albums" & "photos".
- Open app.js and in line #12 replace your database with the db listed there.
- Open the photoAlbumManager directory and run "npm install".
- After installing the modules, run "node app.js". Now you can see server getting started in port 3000.
- Open browser and go to "http://localhost:3000"
Host: http://localhost:3000
Album API:
- Get all albums for an user - '/user/:userId'
- Fetch all the photos of specific album - '/:albumId'
- Create new album - '/new'
- Edit an album - '/edit'
- Remove an album - '/remove'
Photos API:
- GEt photos specific to particular album - '/album/:albumId'
- Add new photo to existing album - '/new'
- Get single photo from an album - '/photo/:photoId/album/:albumId'
- Edit a photo - '/edit'
- Remove a photo - '/remove'