I'm Victor Mattos,
Work in tech for more then a decade. Started as Web Developer, moved to Data Scientist (but the meaning of this title is probably not what you think), became a Data Solutions Architect and now I'm a Data Engineer.
I'm a INTP (if you don't know what it means check this.). Which means deph of knowladge is kinda my thing. But I also have ADHD, so I usually go for the next interesting thing.
My main experience is to create data platforms/areas from scratch. I like to envision the future and create projects to reach it.
I try to keep it clean, so usually delete or make it private repos that I don't see as being relevant anymore (deprecated techniques/tools).
The type of repos that you'll find here probably will be:
- Course repositories - I do a lot of courses (really...) and sometimes you'll find repositories from these, but they wont be there for long.
- Learning projects - Not often (but neither rarelly) I create some projects to test my knowledge. Since this is a public environment, I tend to over engineer stuff (that's why you'll probably find few of these).
- Technology evaluation - I always look for new technologies, so sometimes I'll put my logics, tests and conclusions in here. (These repos have the same problem from the Learning ones)
- Auxiliar projects - This type of repo will contain stuff that support other stuff, like dot files, general automation scripts and others...
If you want to know more about me feel free to access my linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vicmattos/