docker run --name mariadb -e MYSQL_ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD=1 -d mariadb:latest
Then login to database and create user and password for the application.
I use root
here for convenience.
SET PASSWORD FOR 'root'@'localhost' = 'root';
Copy flaskenv.sample
to .flaskenv
and fill out all required information.
cp flaskenv.sample .flaskenv
FLASK_ENV=development # development|production|testing|default (development)
FLASK_DEBUG=1 # 1 for more debug messages
SECRET_KEY=abd}ddd # secret key for authentication
DB_SERVER=localhost # set the hostname of the database here
DB_USER=dbuser # database username created above
DB_PASSWORD=dbpass # password for database, remember to update the password
DB_SCHEMA=web_monitor # we use GMail for sending notification
[email protected] # enter your email address for notification here
MAIL_PASSWORD=secret # get the password for app here (need to create one, not the normal password)
[email protected] # set the email address of sender
[email protected],[email protected] # set the recipient email address here
CHROME_DRIVER=/Users/cuong/localdev/python/flask/web_monitor/chromedriver # set the path to ChromeDriver
CHROME_OPTIONS=--headless # can set option of chrome driver here
- Creating schema
./ shell
Next start the scheduler server.
Then, run following
./ runserver
gunicorn --bind manage:app
check for exposed ip
docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' mariadb