hola_dev_test is a Symfony 4.4 with PHP test for the Hola Magazine.
- Language: PHP 7.2+
- Webserver: PHP native
- Package manager: composer
- PHP Framework: Symfony 4.4
- Persistence layer: database
- Coding Style: PSR-2
- Mysql: 8
- unit tests: not used
In order to create the database you have to configure the DATABASE_URL on .env, simply by uncommenting and editing this line.
# DATABASE_URL="mysql://user:[email protected]:3306/hola?serverVersion=13&charset=utf8"
With composer, install:
composer install
Then create the database:
php bin/console doctrine:database:create
After that install the schema:
php bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force
If you use symfony cli, just run:
symfony serve -d
If not, then:
php bin/console server:run
This app consists on 3 roles : ROLE_ADMIN, ROLE_PAGE_1 and ROLE_PAGE_2
- ROLE_ADMIN You can use the api crud, and check page/1 and page/2.
- ROLE_PAGE_1 You can only check PAGE_1.
- ROLE_PAGE_2 You can only check PAGE_2.
To go on through the test simply register an ROLE_ADMIN user and then login clicking on the navbar options.