A tiny package containing some custom anomaly detectors. In the models.py
source code there are 4 detectors:
Multivariate Gaussian based anomaly detector
from pyad.models import MultivariateGaussian
Multivariate T Distribution based anomaly detector
from pyad.models import MultivariateT
Simple independence anomaly detector
from pyad.models import SimpleAnomalyDetector
Influenced Outlierness based anomaly detector
from pyad.models import INFLO
This is 'almost' a Python package (I will continuously work on this). But to use the code right away, simply clone this Github repo:
git clone https://github.com/viethungha0610/custom-anomaly-detectors.git
No complicated dependencies here. The package should run in any basic Conda Python 3.3+ environment with numpy, scipy and scikit-learn. Although I would recommend running in a Python 3.6+ environment.
However, you can pip install these packages by using the command line in this directory, and then run:
conda create -n YOURENVNAME python=3.6
conda activate YOURENVNAME
pip install -r requirements.txt
Open a Jupyter notebook, import the classes from the first section and get going right away.
Link to Kaggle Credit Card Fraud Detection dataset: https://www.kaggle.com/mlg-ulb/creditcardfraud