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LeaderElection is a library for electing a leader with a pluggable backend (a RaceDecider).

The RaceDecider implementation needs to provide a conditional-write or transactional-write mechanism to ensure that only one write succeeds per election-cycle, but otherwise has very minimal requirements.

Currently, this implementation only has two implementations:

  • Google Cloud Storage: intended for easy production use while running in GCP, using a GCS object for locking.
  • Memory: intended for tests.

Electing a leader

The Config struct contains callbacks and tunables for the leader election "campaign".

Each process that would like to acquire leadership must register callbacks for all three of OnElected, OnOusting and LeaderChanged, as well as specify unique LeaderID and HostPorts (the latter two are used for communication, so some use-cases may be able to ignore them)

The TermLength is the length of time that a leader acquires leadership for, and the length of any extension. This duration should be long enough to get useful work done, but short enough that you won't have a problem if the leader dies and no one takes over the remainder of the lease term. The Config.Acquire method takes care of extending the lease twice per term to reduce the likelihood of spuriously losing the lock.

MaxClockSkew specifies the corrections added to and subtracted from sleeps and leases to account for a lack of perfect synchronization among the clocks of all candidates.

ConnectionParams is a generic byte-payload side-channel. The legrpc package uses it for the GRPC ServiceConfig, but other use-cases may stash other serialized data there (may be nil).

Clock is an instance of a clocks.Clock, which should be nil outside of tests, in which case it uses clocks.DefaultClock().

There's more to Leadership than getting elected

The OnElected callback takes two arguments which indicate the state of the leadership lock with different degrees of certainty.

The ctx argument is a context derived from the one passed to Acquire that will be canceled upon losing the leadership role. This is an explicit cancellation by the goroutine handling lease renewals and acquisition, and as such is subject to normal thread-scheduling delay caveats (particularly relevant when operating with heavy CPU-contention).

To address the thread-scheduling-delay issues plaguing use of ctx, the second argument to OnElected is a *TimeView containing the current expiration time. This pointer tracks an atomic value which is updated every time the lease is extended. Before taking any action that requires holding leadership, one should always check that the time returned by t.Get() is in the future. TimeView has a ValueInFuture() convenience-method to facilitate such checks for quick operations against the correct clock.

Picking a RaceDecider

The gcs RaceDecider is the only currently usable implementation. It requires a Google Cloud Storage client, a bucket and an object.

In tests, one can use the memory RaceDecider, as that implementation is trivially fast and lacks any external dependencies, but doesn't work outside a single process.

Watching an Election

Leader election is useful on its own only for a subset of use cases. Many times it is necessary for other processes to observe a leader election to send requests to the correct process. As such, one can define a WatchConfig and call Watch() on it. The callback will be called sequentially for every lease-extension and acquisition, thus allowing an observer to track the expiration of the current leader's leadership term.