Official repository of the paper Unsupervised transfer learning via adversarial contrastive training
Except for tuning λ for different dataset, all other hyperparameters of model structure and training policy used in our experiments are align with Whitening for Self-Supervised Representation Learning. The implementation is all conducted in single NVIDIA Tesla V100 and checkpoints are stored in data
each 100 epochs during training. All trained models are available in model
- ACT(Ours) arXiv
- WACT(Ours) arXiv
- Contrastive arXiv
- BYOL arXiv
- WMSE arXiv
- VICREG arXiv
- Haochen22 arXiv
- CIFAR-10
- CIFAR-100
- Tiny ImageNet
Method | CIFAR-10 linear | CIFAR-10 5-NN | CIFAR-100 linear | CIFAR-100 5-NN | Tiny ImageNet linear | Tiny ImageNet 5-NN |
SimCLR | 91.80 | 88.42 | 66.83 | 56.56 | 48.84 | 32.86 |
BYOL | 91.73 | 89.45 | 66.60 | 56.82 | 51.00 | 36.24 |
W-MSE 2 | 91.55 | 89.69 | 66.10 | 56.69 | 48.20 | 34.16 |
W-MSE 4 | 91.99 | 89.87 | 67.64 | 56.45 | 49.20 | 35.44 |
BarlowTwins | 87.76 | 86.66 | 61.64 | 55.94 | 41.80 | 33.60 |
VICReg | 86.76 | 83.70 | 57.13 | 44.63 | 40.04 | 30.46 |
Haochen22 | 86.53 | 84.20 | 59.68 | 49.26 | 35.80 | 20.36 |
ACT (our repro.) | 92.11 | 90.01 | 68.24 | 58.35 | 49.72 | 36.40 |
The implementation is based on PyTorch. No uncommon package were used in our code.
If you want to reproduce our results, whatever for which SSL loss, You'd better acquire Tiny ImageNet through the script provided by this repo. Otherwise the model hardly reached a top 1 accuracy of 1% at the end of training.
Detailed settings are good by default, to see all options:
python -m train --help
python -m test --help
To reproduce the results from above table:
python -m train --dataset cifar10 --epoch 1000 --lr 1e-2 --num_samples 4 --bs 256 --emb 64
python -m train --dataset cifar100 --epoch 1000 --lr 1e-2 --num_samples 4 --bs 256 --emb 64
python -m train --dataset tiny_in --epoch 1000 --lr 1e-2 --num_samples 4 --bs 256 --emb 128
python -m train --dataset cifar10 --epoch 1000 --lr 3e-3 --num_samples 4 --bs 256 --emb 64 --w_size 128 --method w_act
python -m train --dataset cifar100 --epoch 1000 --lr 3e-3 --num_samples 4 --bs 256 --emb 64 --w_size 128 --method w_act
python -m train --dataset tiny_in --epoch 1000 --lr 2e-3 --num_samples 4 --bs 256 --emb 128 --w_size 256 --method w_act
python -m train --dataset cifar10 --epoch 1000 --lr 3e-3 --emb 64 --method contrastive
python -m train --dataset cifar100 --epoch 1000 --lr 3e-3 --emb 64 --method contrastive
python -m train --dataset tiny_in --epoch 1000 --lr 2e-3 --emb 128 --method contrastive
python -m train --dataset cifar10 --epoch 1000 --lr 3e-3 --emb 64 --method byol
python -m train --dataset cifar100 --epoch 1000 --lr 3e-3 --emb 64 --method byol
python -m train --dataset tiny_in --epoch 1000 --lr 2e-3 --emb 128 --method byol
python -m train --dataset cifar10 --epoch 1000 --lr 3e-3 --emb 64 --w_size 128 --method w_mse
python -m train --dataset cifar100 --epoch 1000 --lr 3e-3 --emb 64 --w_size 128 --method w_mse
python -m train --dataset tiny_in --epoch 1000 --lr 2e-3 --emb 128 --w_size 256 --w_iter 4 --method w_mse
python -m train --dataset cifar10 --epoch 1000 --lr 3e-3 --num_samples 4 --bs 256 --emb 64 --w_size 128 --method w_mse
python -m train --dataset cifar100 --epoch 1000 --lr 3e-3 --num_samples 4 --bs 256 --emb 64 --w_size 128 --method w_mse
python -m train --dataset tiny_in --epoch 1000 --lr 2e-3 --num_samples 4 --bs 256 --emb 128 --w_size 256 --method w_mse
python -m train --dataset cifar10 --epoch 1000 --lr 3e-3 --bs 256 --emb 64 --method haochen22
python -m train --dataset cifar100 --epoch 1000 --lr 3e-3 --num_samples 4 --bs 256 --emb 64 --method haochen22
python -m train --dataset tiny_in --epoch 1000 --lr 2e-3 --num_samples 4 --bs 256 --emb 128 --method haochen22
python -m train --dataset cifar10 --epoch 1000 --lr 3e-3 --num_samples 4 --bs 256 --emb 64 --method vicreg
python -m train --dataset cifar100 --epoch 1000 --lr 3e-3 --num_samples 4 --bs 256 --emb 64 --method vicreg
python -m train --dataset tiny_in --epoch 1000 --lr 2e-3 --num_samples 4 --bs 256 --emb 128 --method vicreg
python -m train --dataset cifar10 --epoch 1000 --lr 3e-3 --num_samples 4 --bs 256 --emb 64 --method barlow_twins
python -m train --dataset cifar100 --epoch 1000 --lr 3e-3 --num_samples 4 --bs 256 --emb 64 --method barlow_twins
python -m train --dataset tiny_in --epoch 1000 --lr 2e-3 --num_samples 4 --bs 256 --emb 128 --method barlow_twins
This implementation is based on htdt/self-supervised