App Simple application made in React Native using TypeScript. The idea was seen as a challenge for the Rocketseat Ignite course. I will now implement integration with firebase for database storage, creation of an icon and launch in Play Store for educational purposes.
- React
- Typescript
- [-] Firestore
- [-] Firebase Auth
- react-native-iphone-x-helper
- react-native-linear-gradient
- react-native-vector-icons
To execute the project, you'll need to have Node and NPM or Yarn installed to setup all the dependencies. You will also need to have an android or ios emulator installed. For Android I recommend Android Studio and for iOS there is only Xcode possible. Java JDK 8 at least, Node.JS, npm and yarn;
In the project root folder:
npm install
npm run start
If you are using Yarn, use this:
yarn install
yarn start
After completing the installation and running yarn start
or npm run start
the application will run in your browser.