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Support RequestedAlgorithms (#130)
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* Add **RequestedAlgorithms** parameter to **New-YubiKeyFIDO2Credential**
* Add cookbook entry for Entroll-FIDO2-On-Behalf-Of-Entra-ID.ps1
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virot authored Jan 25, 2025
1 parent df2e5fd commit 5c2acdf
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Showing 2 changed files with 146 additions and 4 deletions.
136 changes: 136 additions & 0 deletions Docs/Cookbook/Enroll-FIDO2-On-Behalf-Of-Entra-ID.ps1
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@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
Enroll a YubiKey FIDO2 credential for a User
This scripts uses powershellYK and MS Graph to onboard a user with a YubiKey without the need to interaction other than pushing the touch.
This script also allows for delayed Attestion, where the YubiKey can be transported without being attested in EntraId, making it unusable.
The ID or UPN of the user that we are enrolling for
Enroll-FIDO2-On-Behalf-Of-Endra-ID.ps1 -UserID [email protected]
Do a complete enrollment for the user specified
Enroll-FIDO2-On-Behalf-Of-Endra-ID.ps1 -UserID [email protected] -DisplayName "Dont loose this one"
Do a complete enrollment for the user specified and name the FIDO2 credential in Entra ID
Enroll-FIDO2-On-Behalf-Of-Endra-ID.ps1 -UserID [email protected] -AttestionFileOut usersave.xml
Create a fido2 credential but do not attest it, rather save it for a later attest.
Enroll-FIDO2-On-Behalf-Of-Endra-ID.ps1 -UserID [email protected] -AttestionFileIn usersave.xml
Attest the earler created credential. This will make it functional.

#Requires -PSEdition Core
#Requires -Modules powershellYK, Microsoft.Graph.Authentication
#Requires -RunAsAdministrator
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Complete')]
[Parameter(Mandatory=$True,HelpMessage = "The ID or UPN of the user that we are enrolling the ")]
[Parameter(Mandatory=$False,HelpMessage = "Name of the FIDO2 Key in Entra ID")]
$DisplayName = "$((Get-YubiKey).PrettyName) $((Get-YubiKey).SerialNumber)",
[Parameter(Mandatory=$False,HelpMessage = "The amount of minutes the Challange will be valid for, this is the time to complete the enrollment.", ParameterSetName="CreateCredential")]
[Parameter(Mandatory=$False,HelpMessage = "File to write the attestion data into", ParameterSetName="CreateCredential")]
[ValidateScript({if (-not (Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType Leaf)){throw "File $_ does not exist."}else{$true}})]
[Parameter(Mandatory=$False,HelpMessage = "What action should be completed", ParameterSetName="AttestCredential")]
if (
(Get-MgContext) -eq $Null -or # Verify that we are authenticated to MSGraph
(-not (Microsoft.Graph.Authentication\Get-MgContext).Scopes.Contains('UserAuthenticationMethod.ReadWrite.All')) # Verify that we have the require permissions
throw "Not connected with correct permissions to MSGraph, run 'Connect-MgGraph -Scopes UserAuthenticationMethod.ReadWrite.All'"
if ((Microsoft.Graph.Authentication\Get-MgContext).Account -eq $UserID) # This is checking for same user as authenticated to Graph
throw "Microsoft does not allow Enrollment On Behalf Of same user."
if (
(Get-YubiKey) -eq $Null -or # No YubiKey inserted
(Get-YubiKeyFIDO2).Options['clientPin'] -eq $False # No PIN set
throw "Make sure to insert a YubiKey with a set FIDO2 PIN"
Write-Debug -Message "Running with ParameterSetName=$($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName)"
if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -in @('CreateCredential','Complete'))
Write-Debug -Message "Starting to create parameter in Entra ID"
$FIDO2Options = Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Method "GET" -Uri "/beta/users/$userid/authentication/fido2Methods/creationOptions(challengeTimeoutInMinutes=$($challengeTimeoutInMinutes ?? "5"))"

# prepair the resonse to send to the YubiKey.
$challenge = [powershellYK.FIDO2.Challenge]::new($FIDO2Options.publicKey.challenge)
$userEntity = [Yubico.YubiKey.Fido2.UserEntity]::new([System.Convert]::FromBase64String("$($ -replace "-","+" -replace "_","/")"))
$userEntity.Name = $
$userentity.DisplayName = $FIDO2Options.publicKey.user.displayName
$RelyingParty = [Yubico.YubiKey.Fido2.RelyingParty]::new($
$Algorithms = $FIDO2Options.publicKey.pubKeyCredParams|Select -Exp Alg

# Inform user to press the YubiKey touch..
Write-Host -Message "Please touch the YubiKey when it starts blinking..." -ForegroundColor Yellow

# The actual creation of the credential
$FIDO2Response = New-YubiKeyFIDO2Credential -RelyingParty $RelyingParty -Discoverable $true -Challenge $challenge -UserEntity $userEntity -RequestedAlgorithms $Algorithms
$ReturnJSON = @{
'displayName' = $DisplayName.Trim();
'publicKeyCredential' = @{
'id' = $FIDO2Response.GetBase64UrlSafeCredentialID();
'response' = @{
'clientDataJSON' = $FIDO2Response.GetBase64clientDataJSON();
'attestationObject' = $FIDO2Response.GetBase64AttestationObject()
if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'CreateCredential')
Export-Clixml -Path $AttestionFileOut -InputObject $ReturnJSON
if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'AttestCredential')
$ReturnJSON = Import-Clixml -Path $AttestionFileIn
if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -in @('AttestCredential','Complete'))
# End of $return
if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('DisplayName'))
$ReturnJSON.displayName = $DisplayName.Trim();
Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Method "POST" -Uri "$userid/authentication/fido2Methods" -OutputType "Json" -ContentType 'application/json' -Body ($ReturnJSON| ConvertTo-JSON -Depth 4) | ConvertFrom-Json
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green -Message "YubiKey onboarded with diplayname: $($DisplayName.Trim())"
Write-Error -Message "YubiKey failed to onboard. Attestion step failed with message $($_.ErrorDetails)"
14 changes: 10 additions & 4 deletions Module/Cmdlets/FIDO2/NewFIDO2Credential.cs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
using System.Management.Automation;
using Yubico.YubiKey;
using Yubico.YubiKey.Fido2;
using System.Linq;
using System.Formats.Cbor;
using static Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.MetricDimensionNames.TelemetryContext;
using Yubico.YubiKey.Cryptography;
using powershellYK.FIDO2;

namespace powershellYK.Cmdlets.Fido
[Cmdlet(VerbsCommon.New, "YubiKeyFIDO2Credential", SupportsShouldProcess = true, ConfirmImpact = ConfirmImpact.High)]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -35,6 +33,8 @@ public class NewYubikeyFIDO2CredentialCmdlet : PSCmdlet
[Parameter(Mandatory = true, ValueFromPipeline = false, HelpMessage = "Supply the user entity in complete form.", ParameterSetName = "UserEntity-HostData")]
[Parameter(Mandatory = true, ValueFromPipeline = false, HelpMessage = "Supply the user entity in complete form.", ParameterSetName = "UserEntity-RelyingParty")]
public UserEntity? UserEntity { get; set; } = new UserEntity(new byte[] { 0, 0 });
[Parameter(Mandatory = false, ValueFromPipeline = false, HelpMessage = "Algorithms the RelyingParty accepts")]
public List<Yubico.YubiKey.Fido2.Cose.CoseAlgorithmIdentifier> RequestedAlgorithms = new List<Yubico.YubiKey.Fido2.Cose.CoseAlgorithmIdentifier> { Yubico.YubiKey.Fido2.Cose.CoseAlgorithmIdentifier.ES256 };
protected override void BeginProcessing()
// If no FIDO2 PIN exists, we need to connect to the FIDO2 application
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -62,7 +62,6 @@ protected override void BeginProcessing()

protected override void ProcessRecord()
WriteWarning("This cmdlet is still in development and may not work as expected.");
using (var fido2Session = new Fido2Session((YubiKeyDevice)YubiKeyModule._yubikey!))
fido2Session.KeyCollector = YubiKeyModule._KeyCollector.YKKeyCollectorDelegate;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -116,6 +115,13 @@ protected override void ProcessRecord()
_ = digester.TransformFinalBlock(clientDataBytes, 0, clientDataBytes.Length);
make.ClientDataHash = digester.Hash!.AsMemory();

WriteDebug("Adding requested Algorithms");
foreach (var alg in RequestedAlgorithms)
WriteDebug($"`tAdding {alg.ToString()}");
make.AddAlgorithm("public-key", alg);

WriteDebug($"Sending new credential data into SDK");
MakeCredentialData returnvalue = fido2Session.MakeCredential(make);

Expand Down

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