ChatTriggers module to collect data manually from the skyblock menu
Create a folder in your ChatTriggers\modules
folder (name doesn't matter) (or clone the repo in your modules folder), then download the files from github and put them there. In minecraft, make sure to reload with /ct reload
and you're set. Make sure there is a file called events.json
with []
inside it, or else it will not work.
│ main.js
| events.json
File contents of events.json
(before API request)
Navigate to your modules folder in a terminal window, then run
. Now go back to skyblock and go to the full calender (Nether Star -> clock -> full calender). Press H on the first page, then click the arrow on the right and press H again until you reach the end of the skyblock year. After that, type /uploadjacobdata
and if it returns no errors you can close minecraft.
-> Navigate to the full skyblock calender and press H for each month of the skyblock year
[JU] Done
-> /uploadjacobdata
[JU] Started upload...
[JU] Done!
=> If an error occurs:
[JU] ERROR: {error}
root@jacob:/root/.minecraft/config/ChatTriggers/modules/jacoob$ python3
* Serving Flask app 'api' (lazy loading)
* Environment: production
WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment.
Use a production WSGI server instead.
* Debug mode: off
* Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
[POST] # Not exact, is just an example to show that a request has been sent from the chattriggers module
In your terminal window, close the python program and open a file explorer. Copy the events.json
file into the jacob-bot
repository and you're all set! If you have any questions or errors, contact @WindowsVistaisCool. Please note that this data is in MS, not seconds, and you will need to run cogs.util.configure_data()
to convert this to seconds and remove 5 minutes
// In your CT module
cp events.json /path/to/jacob-data