Happy thought app React app that uses useEffect hook to manage different states of the components,useState hook to set different state, Localstorage to keep track of date in-between sessions, moment.js to display human readable date format.POST request to Api to manage new post insertions.
I chose useState to manage state within functional components and useEffect for side effects like updating the happy thought state/sorting them/display loading while fetching. I opted for moment.js for handling date and time formatting to display a human readable format.
I created different React functional components. I did a POST request to udate the thought API whenever a new thought has been posted. I used useEffect to update the happy thought periodically, on mounting/updating. I integrated moment.js to generate a human readable format of the date and time. I employed localStorage to persist the happy thought likes number across sessions. I added a FadeIn animation to avery new Happy Thought posted. I update the list of thoughts using the spread sintax. I used a conditional expression within a JSX element's className attribute to display validation while typing into the textarea.
I tested the React app to ensure the happy thoughts are updating correctly. I verified that the happy thought persists across sessions using localStorage.
If I had more time: I would enhance the user interface by adding animations or transitions to make the app more visually appealing. I would implement a feature to allow users to share their happy thoughts on social media platforms. I would try to refactor my code to make it more functional, where possible.