Thanks for @oleavr @smartdone @0xdea this tool for beginner, and make easier to use this, this tool was under development, it maybe have some problem and bug, if you find that, please commit it on issues, thanks for your advice.
The project base on Frida-RE,create-react-app,Ant Design,Django
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If you don't wish to participate in the development of this project, please download it directlyRelease,this is packaged by NPM and can be run directly
Make sure your computer has the following environment configuration before use
- Python 3.X
- Node.js
- Yarn
- Django
Yarn install doc Yarn
Then you need to install the create-react-app,and move the project to that fold and replace.
Make sure the above steps are correct, next you need to execute the command:
npm install websocket-driver
npm install axios
npm install
npm start
python3 runserver
Then you can see the awesome UI :)
- Ordinary Hook
- Advanced Hook
- Android Tracer
- Ordinary Unpack
- Advanced Unpack
- IOS Function Hook
- A part of Frida JS API
- Support all Frida JS API
- Support perfect IOS Hook