Quantification of side-channel leakage under noisy observations.
This is a collection of octave scripts for computing and visualizing side channel information leakage under noisy observations.
Basic functionality outputs a table of observations and corresponding leaked information with expected information leakage summarized at the end.
More advanced usage produces a visualization of the conditional entropy computation.
Requires an installation of Octave. On Ubuntu: apt-get install octave
Input is a space or tab separated file. Four sample input files are provided in the data directory.
# Header: meta data information
# name: data_name
# type: matrix
# rows: number of data points (m) + 2 extra lines for observations labels and probabilities
# columns: number of observation classes
obs_label_1 obs_label_2 ... obs_label_n
p_obs_1 p_obs_2 ... p_obs_n
x_1_1 x_2_1 ... x_n_1
x_1_2 x_2_2 ... x_n_2
. . .
. . .
. . .
x_1_m x_2_m ... x_n_m
Simplest use is to call the leakage script on a data file of noisy data observations. Produces a table of leakage given observation and then outputs expected leakage (conditional entropy H(input|observation)).
octave leakage data/passwordData_length_3_overlap
Obs Leakage
0.051602 2.000000
0.052309 2.000000
0.053016 2.000000
0.064330 1.277752
0.065037 1.456128
0.065744 1.408011
0.120193 2.000000
0.120900 2.000000
0.121607 2.000000
Expected Leakage = 1.5013
Inside src directory, from within an Octave session, run detailedPasswordExample to see how the visualization works.
$ octave
octave>> detailedPasswordExample
This produces
- Plot of the raw data (top left).
- Vertical distribution plot of the raw data (top right).
- Distribution overlay for each observable (middle left).
- Normalized log distributions for each observable (bottom left).
- Animated conditional probability bar chart (middle right).
- Leakage vs Observation plot (bottom right).