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Packages in need of a maintainer:
Bugs: https://bugs.debian.org/BUGNUMBER
- Search for bugs with severity: Critical. Grave and Serious
- Select Bugs "in packages maintained by "[email protected]"
Another way to search for bugs:
- tagged: ftbfs(fails to build from source - package is not being compiled)
Get following informatio to filter:
- User and Usertags
apt install devscripts
man bts | grep select
bts select package:openarena
bts status:493739
bts select maintainer:[email protected] status:open severity:critical severity:grave severity:serious
bts select maintainer:[email protected] status:open usertag:ftbfs-gcc-14 users:[email protected]
docker run -it \
--name debian-bugfix \
Clicking in "other distros" redirects to: https://repology.org/project/**package_name**
mkdir package_name; cd package_name # create a folder with the name of the package
apt source package_name # download the source code of the package
cd package_name-version # after downloading it extracts a folder with the name of the package
debuild # compile the source code
ls debian/patches # to check the name of previous patches
dpkg-source --commit # to create a patch
debuild # compile the package you just fixed
debi # to install and test the fixed package before sending to Debian