Reducing required human interaction
Tracking and reporting metrics and status
Abstracting common functionality
Affects a commitment made to a customer
Affects another type of commitment
Affects a release scope commitment
Affects an engineering roadmap commitment
The downstream trigger image
The generic integration image
The passrate calculation image
Infrastructure related to building and testing
Shared robot functionality
Integration tests (run continuously by Drone)
Scenario tests (run periodically via Jenkins)
Tests not covered by a more specific component label
A well-defined issue on which a pull request would be especially welcome
Requires changes to documentation about contributing to the product and interacting with the team
Requires changes to documentation about the design of the product
Requires creation of or changes to an official knowledge base article
Requires creation of or changes to an official release note
Requires changes to official user documentation
Requires creation of or changes to an integration test
Requires creation of or changes to a scenario test
Problems that increase the cost of other work
Behavior that is functionally correct, but performs worse than intended
Changed behavior that is inconsistent with what's intended