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Security Update 5.0 23

Siju Maliakkal edited this page Jun 10, 2023 · 1 revision

Moderate Photon OS Security Update


Advisory Id : PHSA-2023-5.0-0023

Type : Security

Severity : ['Moderate']

Issue date : 2023-06-09

Affected Release: 5.0


Updates of ['libvirt'] packages of Photon OS have been released.

Affected Packages


libvirt - ['CVE-2023-2700']


Update the affected packages (tdnf update package)

Updated Packages Information

libvirt-9.3.0-1.ph5.x86_64.rpm | size : 2.8M , sha256 : bf4943bbf8d2db6b82145980a8335ba1a1107fce809a63317b85e769e1bcb4ad , build time : Fri, 09 Jun 2023 02:38:27 UTC

libvirt-devel-9.3.0-1.ph5.x86_64.rpm | size : 76K , sha256 : e98fdf8cb2ef49b96be8b569ce6071aa46e993123d3e7add072edff6c5eb4520 , build time : Fri, 09 Jun 2023 02:38:27 UTC

libvirt-docs-9.3.0-1.ph5.x86_64.rpm | size : 3.3M , sha256 : 53a64349d7779c5cdcd949b73a1879450898af06addaf45ea2d51e3c74a975b1 , build time : Fri, 09 Jun 2023 02:38:27 UTC

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