Get stats for your pull requests on GitHub, including
- Average time to merge
- Average number of reviews
- Number of pull requests with each label
To install and build the project using Powershell Core, run the following
./tools install
./tools build
Set the following environment variables for authentication:
- GitHub login usernameGITHUB_TOKEN
- GitHub personal access token
Read more about creating a personal access token here. For public repositories, you'll need the 'public_repo' scope. To access private repositories, you'll need the complete 'repo' scope. Learn more here.
octostats owner/repo [ date | -duration ]
To inspect all your pull requests for a repo,
octostats owner/repo
To inspect your pull requests merged in the last 100 hours,
octostats owner/repo -100h
The duration must be negative. See time.ParseDuration
to learn about valid duration formats.
To inspect your pull requests merged since a given date,
octostats owner/repo 2019-07-23
Please read the Contribution Guide before you proceed.
Copyright 2021 Vincent Fiestada. Released under an MIT License.
Icon made by Dave Gandy.