Author: Vinh Nguyen
Deploying huggingface‘s BERT to production with pytorch/serve
Deploy it: Using Heroku to continuously build and deploy a deep-learning powered web application
Data was acquired from Kaggle. Author had aggregated various datasets across Kaggle pertaining to fake or real news.
The total dataset size is 5384 articles. They were labelled as either fake or real. Our training dataset included 4434 articles, while our test dataset included 950 articles.
The model I utilized is BERT: Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers. It’s a neural network architecture designed by Google researchers that’s totally transformed what’s state-of-the-art for NLP tasks, like text classification, translation, summarization, and question answering.
My preprocessing steps:
- Lowercase our text (if we're using a BERT lowercase model)
- Tokenize it (i.e. "sally says hi" -> ["sally", "says", "hi"])
- Break words into WordPieces (i.e. "calling" -> ["call", "##ing"])
- Map our words to indexes using a vocab file that BERT provides
- Add special "CLS" and "SEP" tokens (see the readme)
- Append "index" and "segment" tokens to each input (see the BERT paper)
For training, we had the following parameters:
- Max Sequence Length = 128
- Batch Size = 32
- Learning Rate = 2e-5
- Epochs = 12
- Warmup Proportion = 0.1
Training only took 1.429 minutes. This is the beauty of BERT's parallel structure.
auc = 0.9884099
f1_score = 0.9885057
loss = 0.0650449
precision = 0.983368
recall = 0.99369746
To run locally:
Install requirements:
pip install requirements.txt
Run Streamlit app:
streamlit run
Deploy to Heroku server as a web app.