Create a mobile application. The app is designed to show a user all the Houses from Game of Thrones in a list.
It should be possible to select one of these houses from the table. By tapping on a cell, the selected house should be displayed in a detail view. There should be more information than in the master view.
APIs and Docs
The following tools are available to you for this purpose:
Game Of Thrones API: https://anapioficeandfire.com/
Create a native iOS app
Code using Swift
Deployment target iOS 14
No third party dependencies
Use version management (GitHub, Bitbucket) to make the project available to us.
Have fun!
- I created a native iOS application using an MVP architecture, without the use of any third party libraries
- I added the following features:
- basic error handling
- Proper UI implementation for different use states: Loading, No data to display, Error
- Pagination using the API pagination functionality (when scrolling at the bottom of the tableView)
- Search functionality
- A basic details view that shows the rest of the information provided by the API