iOS Coding Challenge Task
This challenge has the goal to give us an impression of your coding skills. You have 24 hours of time to implement. Upload the following project as ZIP file using the Owncloud account we provided you.
Functional Requirements
You will need an API key for the the Pixabay public web services. It can be retrieved from this page (you must be logged in to see it):
The user should be able to search for images entering one or more words in a text field
Request the Pixabay API to show the images associated with the text provided by the user and parse the JSON response.
Display a list of results. Each entry should show: • A thumbnail of the image • The Pixabay user name • A list of image’s tag
Cache the response
With a press on a list item a detail screen is opened. The detail screen should contain: • A bigger version of the image • The name of the user • A list of image’s tag • The number of likes • The number of favorites • The number of comments
When the app starts it should trigger a search for the string “apples”
If you have any final comments about your result please let us know creating a file called inside the root directory of the project.
For bonus points demonstrate an understanding of how you would test your code.
Technical Requirements Language: Objective-C Storyboard with Size Classes and Auto Layout Newest stable Xcode version Newest stable iOS version iPhone and iPad with support for Landscape and Portrait You may use 3rd-party libraries You are free to use dependency management tools
Evaluation Criteria You care about user experience. You know how to keep the UI responsive. You build user interfaces with the Human Interface Guidelines in mind. You write code that is efficient, readable and follows best practices (like decoupled, single responsibility principle, etc).