This repo serves as a source for my Portfolio that is deployed on the GitHub pages.
Made using React JS, this is fully customizable and can be deployed on your own GitHub page/ other domains.
- Fork/clone the repository.
gh repo clone void-trinity/Portfolio
- Make changes to following files under src/constansts folder:
File | Description |
intro.js | Contains your name, profile and links to your social media/ platform accounts like github, linkedin, etc. |
workExp.js | Your work experience goes here, follow the format as specified in the file. |
achievement.js | Prizes that you won. |
contact.js | Your contact number and email. |
education.js | All your relevant education details go here. |
projects.js | Contains information about your projects. |
skills.js | Skills like programming language, database, os, tech stack, etc. can be listed here. |
aboutMe.js | Short description about yourself. |
Install the dependencies:
- Using yarn:
- Using npm:
npm install
Run and check whether the project is working correctly or not:
- Using yarn:
yarn start
- Using npm:
npm start
Deploy the project using the instructions here