This is a ROM hack branches off of the progress branch of CrystalDust.
It includes tweaks that makes the game more enjoyable to the developer of this repo. The changes are documented below. If your goal is to play the game the way Game Freak had released it themselves, then don't play this repo.
To set up the repository, see
This project is based on pokeemerald, a decompilation of Pokémon Emerald.
- Allowed All Pokémon to Evolve Without Trading
- HMs Can Be Used if a Pokemon in the party can learn it.
- Item Automatically Goes to PC if Bag is Full
- Trees and Rocks get permanently cut and smashed.
- Show Species That You're Battling in the Party Menu
- Trainers No Longer Spin to Face You Right As You Pass Them
- Pressing B Will Toggle Running
- Holding Select Allows For A Second Register Item
- Shifting to Pokémon Already in Battle Exits the Shift Menu
- Get Rid of Pokemon Disobeying You
- Pushing B When Asked To Stop Learning Move Will Cancel Teaching The Move
- Button Press to Skip Copyright Screen
- Pressing B as the ball shakes raises catching odds.
- R is now Turbo B most of the time in the overworld and battles.
- Physical Special Split Icons In Battle [Credit: Anon822]
- Move Status is now displayed in summary screen, TM bag pocket, and TM Case.
- Added Weavile, Magnezone, Lickilicky, Rhyperior, Tangrowth, Electivire, Magmortar, Togekiss, Yanmega, Gliscor, Mamoswine, Porygon Z, Gallade, Probopass, Dusknoir, Roserade, Ambipom, Mismagius, Honchkrow, Froslass, Ursaluna, Annihilape, Leafeon, and Glaceon
- Added Zen Headbutt, Moonblast, Play Rough, Draining Kiss, Fairy Wind, Energy Ball, and Acrobatics
- Added Missingno. You can get it by doing the same steps as the gen 1 glitch.
- Can now quickly run from a battle by holding Right while the wild Pokémon's name appears.
- Pressing Start in a Battle Will Show the Description of the Move.
- Make Pokémon that Require a Fateful Encounter to be Legal to Always Be Set to Legal
- Use Fly and Flash for Any Compatible Pokémon [Credit: ScyrousFX]
- Allow player to Change Direction Better While Moving [Credit: cbt]
- Made Move Pokémon as first PSS option [Credit: AsparagusEduardo]
- Holding L is now turbo A
- No battery run dry message appears
- Made Cleanse Tag turn the off all wild encounters and made it's held ability work if held by any Pokémon in the party
- Made Poké Doll cause no trainers to see you. You can still go up and talk with them.
- Cleanse Tag and Poké Doll can now be use items as well as being held.
- Key Items With No Field Effect Will No Longer Be Register-able Nor Usable
- Remove the extra save confirmation [Credit: FieryMewtwo]
- Increase Text Speed Beyond Fast [Credit: ellabrella]
- Set L=A and fast scroll text as the default [Credit: Avara]
- Prompt for reusing Repels [Credit: ExpoSeed]
- Simplistic Battle Intro [Credit: SBird]
- Faster HP Drain [Credit: SonikkuA-DatH]
- Wrong Save File Error Message [Credit: Anon822]
- Let a Pokémon forget any move they know [Credit: Lunos]
- Surviving poison outside of battle with 1HP [Credit: Lunos]
- Changed Someone's PC to Lanette's PC from the Start of the Game
- Make Daycare Faster at Leveling Pokémon
- Gen 6 style Exp. Share
- Loading the Game With No RTC Ages Iterates Daily Events by a Day.
- Allowed Changing Clock in PokeGear by Pressing Select.Iterates Daily Events by a Day When Doing This as Well.
- Default Options are now fast text speed and L=A by default
- Made Lucky Egg triple EXP and a default PC item. If anyone in the party holds it, it will treat as is they all are.
- Don't Consume TMs on Use
- Added PokéVial
- Added Color to Show Type Effectiveness of a Move. Able to toggle it on one of Prof. Elm's PCs.
- Type Effectiveness Icon for Double Battles Created.
- Option to Skip Copyright and Intro. Able to toggle it on one of Prof. Elm's PCs.
- Added Physical Special Split. Able to toggle it on one of Prof. Elm's PCs. [Credit Kurausukun]
- Low Health Beeping Can Be Toggled Off. Able to toggle it on one of Prof. Elm's PCs.
- Added Difficulty Mode. Able to toggle it on one of Prof. Elm's PCs.
- Faster Pokémon Center Healing. Able to toggle it on one of Prof. Elm's PCs.
- PC Does Not Heal Pokémon. Able to toggle it on one of Prof. Elm's PCs.
- Add Move Relearning Into Party Menu [Credit: DiegoIsAwesome]
- Allow Move Relearner to Teach Moves that Pre Evolutions Know
- Allow Running From Trainer Battles
- Allow Rematch With Trainers When Holding B When Talking to Them
- Showing IVs/EVs in Summary Screen [Credit: PokemonCrazy]
- Added Ability to Move Held Items. [Credit: Zeturic]
- Colored Stats by Nature in Summary Screen [Credit: DizzyEgg]
- Amulet Coin Effects If Anyone In Party is Holding It
- Fix AI's Switch In Battle (it will remain the same on easy difficulty)
- Added BetterBag. This makes the bag be able to hold 78 more items. [Credit: AsparagusEduardo]
- Surfing Occurs Without Asking After the First Time Surfing on a Map. Idea and some logic taken from PokemonSanFran.
- Added Sleep Mode
- Hold L Trigger + R Trigger + SELECT to enter sleep mode. Press SELECT + START to leave sleep mode.
- Added Bag Sorting [Credit: Ghoulslash]
- Make Poké Balls usable outside of battles [Credit: Lunos]
- Allowed Nicknaming in the Pokémon Party Screen [Credit: Lunos]
- Added Ability to Use DebugPrintf
- Added Thief Ball
- Replaces Premier Ball, so buying 10 Pokeballs at the Mart will get Luxury Ball instead now.
- Can get on Second Floor of Goldenrod Dept Store after getting sixth badge.
- Able to get Evolutionary Stones, Thief Ball, Poke Doll, Cleanse Tag, and Lucky Egg in second floor of Goldenrod Dept Store after getting six badges.
- Made Everstone Able to De-evolve Any Non-Basic Pokémon.
- Roamers no longer flee and Raiku and Entei no longer know roar when encountering them.
- Infinite Rare Candy is made and added to PC after defeating Red on Mt. Silver.
- GS Ball event starts after beating the Elite Four.
- Pokegear button mapping changed.
- Houndoom can learn dig.
- Safari Zone Pokémon will run away 20% less often.
- Fury Cutter based power changed to 40.
- Fly to opposite region, heal party, and evolve first Pokémon in party in debug menu.
- More Wild Pokémon Added:
- Route 29: Teddiursa
- Route 30: Scyther
- Route 32: Mareep, Mantine
- Route 33: Elekid, Magby, Rhyhorn
- Route 34: Misdravous. Stantler
- Route 35: Stantler, Phanphy, Remeraid
- Route 37: Eevee
- Route 38: Hitmontop
- Route 46: Wobbuffet
- Route 46: Skarmory
- Ice Path B1: More Sneasels