code resizes the images as per user input and and organizes them in separate folders. Features include:
- User can add as many category folders as needed (minimum 1 folder at least)
- The script will automatically create the desired folders namely images1x, images2x etc if they don't exist.
- Script also displays new and original dimensions
Code is written in python3. The only dependency is external imaging library pillow
Install python3 and pillow:
$ brew update
$ brew install python3
$ brew install libtiff libjpeg webp little-cms2
$ pip3 install pillow
To specify custom configuration, make changes to class initial_config:
- "self.sdir" contains location where images for processing are stored
- "self.extension": png and jpg extensions are supported
- "self.cdir":
- User can add as many category folders as needed (minimum 1 folder at least)
- category folder should be named precisely as images*x/ in the initial_config class
- Corresponding dpi are specified in front of category folder name
Desired width will be prompted when code is running.
Lets say "images" folder contains images to be analyzed. Place the code file in the same directory that contains "images" folder
Run the script from terminal: $ python3
Developed by Beautifulbird, March 2017.
The source files are available under open-source MIT license. Please give proper credt to the contributors.