A command line tool to diff two directories recursively.
Then visit http://localhost:5240/xxx.html, as shown in output above, you will see the detailed difference of these two directories:
- Easy to install and use, nice visualization
- Recursively compare same name files in two directories
- Optional settings for exclude certain directories
- Completely based on Python and HTML, no extra tools needed
pip3 install dompare
dompare folder-a folder-b
Then open your webbrowser and visit http://localhost:5140
, you will see the difference information of folder-a
and folder-b
You can also use --host
and --port
options to change your host and port to listen:
dompare folder-a folder-b --host --port 8888
By adding --host
, you and other people can visit diff file by url http://your_ip:5140/dompare-xxxxxx.html
You can add --exclude dir1 dir2
to ignore certain directories (e.g., temporal folders, folders with binary files):
dompare dir1 dir2 --exclude build out
If you need more detailed information, use --verbose
dompare folder-a folder-b --verbose
[DEBUG] [2019-10-31 15:35:37] [dompare] Processing dir folder-a/doc
[DEBUG] [2019-10-31 15:35:37] [dompare] Compare folder-a/doc/index.md and folder-b/doc/index.md
[DEBUG] [2019-10-31 15:35:37] [dompare] Compare folder-a/README.md and folder-b/README.md
[INFO] [2019-10-31 15:35:37] [dompare] Compare finished. Please visit http://localhost:5140/dompare-paepy47m.html to see diff file (Press Ctrl-C to stop)
[DEBUG] [2019-10-31 15:35:37] [dompare] Run command: cd /tmp && python3 -m http.server --bind localhost 5140
Serving HTTP on port 5140 ...
For all options, run dompare -h
dompare -h
usage: dompare [-h] [--host HOST] [--port PORT] [--verbose]
[--exclude EXCLUDE [EXCLUDE ...]]
dir1 dir2
positional arguments:
dir1 Path to the first directory
dir2 Path to the second directory
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--host HOST host to bind
--port PORT port to listen
--verbose Show detailed information
--exclude EXCLUDE [EXCLUDE ...]
Ignore listed directories when diff
There are some ideas I want to do in the future:
- Windows support (tested on Windows 8.1, Python 3.7.2)
- More pretty UI to show diff, like font size, scroll bar removing
Any contribution is welcomed. If you find a bug or have any new features, please create an issue or a pull request.
MIT ยฉ Yunfeng Wang