Api service for tracking flights written on DRF
Install PostgresSQL and create db
cd cinema_API
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
create .env file, inside define variables from .env.sample
python manage.py migrate
python manage.py runserver
you can use command python manage.py loaddata airport_service_db_data.json to fill db
Docker should be installed
docker-compose build docker-compose up
create user via /api/user/register/ get access token via /api/user/token/
- JWT authenticated
- Throttling
- Admin panel /admin/
- Documentation is located at /api/doc/swagger
- Managing orders and tickets
- Creating airplanes, airports, routes, crew
- Managing flights
- Adding flights with crew
- Filtering airports by city
- Filtering routes by source, destination
- Filtering flights by routes, date