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Release Notes - July 2022

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@carolinamenezes carolinamenezes released this 05 Aug 21:32
· 1243 commits to main since this release

The search query has been enhanced to allow cross-selling and upselling of products. Also, the new subscribeToNewsletter mutation is now available in the FastStore API. In the FastStore UI, the Slider and PriceRange components now allow ref forwarding.

FastStore UI


  • 🎉 New component - #1418

    Use the ProductTitle component to display a header with product details, such as its name, reference number, and labels.

    Product Title component

  • ProductTitle now uses ref forwarding - #1427

    The ProductTitle component allows passing a previously received ref further down to a child.


  • PriceRange now uses ref forwarding for min and max inputs - #1380

    The PriceRange component now accepts receiving refs for both min and max inputs. With the ref forwarding technique, other components using the PriceRange can trigger input functions and control the min and max values of PriceRange.

  • New PriceRange look and feel - #1400

    The PriceRange component now displays the min/max values centered above the Slider's thumbs and allows for more customizations.

  • 🐛 PriceRange track position fixed - #1404

    The track position of the PriceRange component has been adjusted for maximum absolute values greater than a hundred.


  • Slider now uses ref forwarding for min and max inputs - #1380

    The Slider component now accepts receiving refs for both min and max inputs. With the ref forwarding technique, other components using the Slider can trigger input functions and control the min and max values of Slider.

  • New prop added to Slider - #1415

    The Slider component now includes the step prop that allows specifying the interval between the input values.

  • 🐛 Slider values are now rounded - #1417
    The Slider component now displays only rounded values.

  • 🐛 Slider thumb elements repositioned - #1423

    The Slider thumb elements' have been repositioned in the DOM so they can have customized behavior states.

FastStore API

  • 🧹 Generated schema types updated - #1413/#1431

    The generated TS types from the GraphQL schema have been updated.

VTEX Platform

  • 🎉 Support for Cross Selling now available - #1396

    The following facets have been added to the existing Search query in order to allow cross-selling and upselling products:

    • buy
    • view
    • similars
    • viewAndBought
    • accessories
    • suggestions
  • 🎉 New subscribeToNewsletter mutation available - #1385

    The new subscribeToNewsletter mutation allows stores to save data to their MasterData newsletter list.

  • 🎉 New skuSelector-related properties added to ProductGroup - #1407

    The ProductGroup type now includes the skuVariations attribute, which brings with it four new properties:

    • allVariantsByName - Returns all available options for each SKU variant property, indexed by their name.
    • slugsMap - Returns the slug for the SKU that matches the currently selected product variations.
    • activeVariations - Returns the property values for the current SKU.
    • availableVariations - Returns the available options for each varying SKU property, considering the dominantVariantName property.

    These new properties allow users to query data about SKU specification variants more quickly and are especially handy for implementing SKU Selector components.

  • 🐛 StoreOffer resolver fixed - #1399

    The priceCurrency field from StoreOffer now grabs the same info from the current context's sales channel and fetches the correct price currency value.

  • 🐛 Missing Catalog page types now available - #1411

    The FastStore API now supports the following page types: SubCategory, Collection, Cluster. This should enable stores to render pages that match those types without issues.

  • 🐛 Issues related to Collection pages fixed - #1429

    Issues when trying to fetch the StoreCollection.breadcrumbList field for Collection pages have been fixed. Before detecting the page type of a certain route, the slufigyRoot function now checks if the page is a Collection one.

FastStore SDK

  • 🧹 Refactored SDKs' code - #1392

    The FastStore SDK package has been refactored in order to remove all React dependencies.


🎉 New

Analytics SDK



VTEX Headless CMS

✨ Improved


  • 🐛 @faststore/graphql-utils now uses the commonjs module - #1394

  • 🧹 Improved Git blame view - #1409

  • 🧹 @store-framework removed from CODEOWNERS - #1410

  • 🧹 Wrong references to package names fixed - #1414

  • 🧹 Auto-generated changelog fixed - #1425

  • 🧹 Broken documentation links fixed - #1424/#1430

  • 🧹 Changelog configs fixed - #1426