Authors: Ellie Fitzpatrick, Jason Pile, and [Long Wang] (
This repository provides utilities for user interface Qt integrations in teleoperation including cameras accessed with opencv and haptic devices. It is currently working with Force Dimension haptic devices, but is avaliable to work with other haptic devices.
- [QCvCamera] (
- [Features] (
- [Dependencies] (
- [Installation] (
- [Getting Started] (
- [Example Code] (
- [Omega7 Udp] (
- [Features] (
- [Dependencies] (
- [Installation] (
- [Getting Started] (
- [Example Code] (
- Contribute
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- [FAQ] (
QCvCamera makes it easy to stream video from a camera through USB.
To use include QCvCamera and QCvFilter:
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) :
ui(new Ui::MainWindow)
cam = new QCvCamera(this);
scene = new QGraphicsScene();
QApplication::connect(cam, SIGNAL(imageReady(QImage)), this, SLOT(updateDisplay(QImage)));
- Takes snapshots
- Change cameras
- Implement multiple cameras
- Clear the buffer
OpenCv: core, highgui, imgprocessing, video, feature, legacy, flann, nonfree, calibration, contribution .
The libraries below should be in your project file of qt if you are using qt.
INCLUDEPATH += “The path to the location of your opencv .lib files”
LIBS += opencv_core249.lib \
opencv_highgui249.lib \
opencv_imgproc249.lib \
opencv_video249.lib \
opencv_features2d249.lib \
opencv_legacy249.lib \
opencv_flann249.lib \
opencv_nonfree249.lib \
opencv_calib3d249.lib \
Pull the repository and link the files in the project file. Use the repository for your camera need!
- Create a new QCvCamera
- Create a new QGraphics Scene
- Go to the ui, add a Graphics View and take notice of it’s name
- ui->graphicsView-> setScene( your QGraphicsScene)
- set the output view of your camera to your graphics view
- Create a slot, updateImage(QImage img), which:
- clears the graphics scene
- adds the a pixmap to the qgraphics scene (which is the paramater QImage)
- connect QCvCamera’s signal image ready to your slot update image
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) :
ui(new Ui::MainWindow)
cam = new QCvCamera(this);
scene = new QGraphicsScene();
QApplication::connect(cam, SIGNAL(imageReady(QImage)), this, SLOT(updateDisplay(QImage)));
delete ui;
void MainWindow::updateDisplay(QImage img)
This project was built for use with the Omega 7 device created by Force Dimension, but can be used in any circumstance that requires forces, position, and orientation to be sent. This sends information about force, position, and orientation over udp. Has been tested with Linux and Windows.
- Keeps track of position, orientation, and force
- Makes it easy to use the QUdpSocket!
- Qt Framework
- Eigen version 3.2.1
Clone the repository and use as a library in project.
- Create an Omega7Udp object. The constructor contains a boolean value that is whether it is a force udp or not.
- Create a QTimer that will be used to fetch the position, orientation, and forces from the Omega7Udp object.
- You will need to create 2 Slots:
- startUdp()
- this connects the udp to the values inputted (with omega7object->setAddress and omega7object->setPort) to the udp socket
- start the timer to update the udp
- updateUdp()
- every time the timer times out this slot
- gets the forces from the force object or gets the position from the postion object depending on which is is recieving
- sends the forces or position depending on which the computer is sending
- startUdp()
- Connect startUdp() to a command that you have set. Make sure you have set the port and address
- Connect updateUdp() to the QTimer’s timeout() signal
- Let it run!
//Somewhere in this code you need to set the forces and position. ARMA gets this from the omega7, but you need to set it
//for your current haptic device
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) :
ui(new Ui::MainWindow)
force = new Omega7Udp(1);
pose = new Omega7Udp(0);
udpUpdateTimer = new QTimer(this);
QApplication::connect(ui->startButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(startUdp()));
QApplication::connect(udpUpdateTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(updateUdp()));
delete ui;
void MainWindow::startUdp()
{ //logic to make sure all fields are filled in
pose->setAddress( “”);
void MainWindow::updateUdp()
Ellie's Final Demo is under the examples folder. It incorporates both Omega7Udp and QCvCamera. It is run with Qt. Here are the steps to make it work
- Install Qt (version 5.3)
- Install Eigen library 3.2.1 (
- Install Force Dimension Omega7 (program & API)
- Install OpenCV (2.4.9 for windows) (
- In the “.pro” file
- Check the Eigen directory.
- Check the Force Dimension directory.
- Check the opencv directory. (check the version number “opencv_corexxx”, replace them accordingly)
- Try to run the program via the executable file
- If not working because of “missing dll”, put the following “.dll” in the “exe” folder
- “opencv_core249.dll” & “opencv_core249d.dll”
- “opencv_highgui249.dll” & “opencv_highgui249d.dll”
- “opencv_imgproc249.dll” & “opencv_imgproc249d.dll”
- If not working because of “missing dll”, put the following “.dll” in the “exe” folder
If you are having issues, please let us know. Email Ellie Fitzpatrick ([email protected]) or Long Wang ([email protected])
Copyright [2015] [ARMA Laboratory]