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Shawn Garbett edited this page Jan 25, 2023 · 2 revisions

The redcapAPI package is was developed by Benjamin Nutter based on an older effort redcap[archived] package written by Jeffrey Horner and Will Gray. Their original work included the exportRecords, exportMetaData, and redcapConnection functions, which remain in redcapAPI largely unaltered. exportRecords has been modified to accept additional variable types from REDCap and allow for batching of exports.

Jeffrey and Will also authored the fieldToVar function, which operates quietly in exportRecords and is the work horse responsible for converting the raw data into date, time, and factor objects.

Many thanks go to Jeremy Stephens, who reviewed much of my early code for potential problems with back compatibility.

Will Beasley should also be recognized for helping me understand the importance of having the option to batch API calls, and for educating me about the issues surrounding SSL certificates. His work on the REDCapR has been a truly valuable resource.

Benjamin Nutter is recognized for keeping these project alive for many years, coordinating and bringing together a lot individual efforts in a single package on CRAN

Stewardship of the package has been transferred back to VUMC Biostatistics, and is being coordinated by Shawn Garbett.