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Table of contents

  1. Notice
  2. Summarized environments about the TensorRT-Torch2TRT
  3. How to install the TensorRT
  4. How to install the Torch2TRT
  5. Save and Load model for the Torch2TRT
  6. Run a demo code to compare the results between the PyTorch and the TensorRT using the Torch2TRT
  7. Results

1. Notice

  • A guide for TensorRT and Torch2TRT
    • The TensorRT does not support any virtual envrionments such as virtualenv and conda.
      In other words, the TensorRT only supports root-environment or docker.
      In this guide, I describe the TensorRT on root-environment, not docker.
  • Both TensorRT and Torch2TRT are officially researched and developed by the NVIDIA.
  • The word, TRT that I mention in this means TensorRT.
  • The Torch2TRT only support single-batch process, not multi-batch process.
  • This guide includes how to install the Torch2TRT with plugins.
  • I recommend that you should ignore the commented instructions with an octothorpe, #.
  • Modified date: Sep. 13, 2020.

2. Summarized environments about the TensorRT-TRT

  • Operating System (OS): Ubuntu MATE 18.04.3 LTS (Bionic)
  • Graphics Processing Unit (GPU): NVIDIA TITAN Xp, 1ea
  • GPU driver: Nvidia-440.100
  • CUDA toolkit: CUDA 10.2
  • cuDNN: cuDNN v7.6.5
  • Python3: Python 3.6.9
  • PyCUDA: 2019.1.2
  • PyTorch: 1.6.0
  • Torchvision: 0.7.0
  • TensorRT:
  • Torch2TRT: 0.1.0 (with plugins)

3. How to install the TensorRT

A. Reference to the website, TensorRT.

B. Download the TensorRT suitable for the development environment.

  • Tar File Install Packages For Linux x86
    • TensorRT for Ubuntu 18.04 and CUDA 10.2 tar package (i.e. TensorRT-

C. Preparations.

usrname@hostname:~/curr_path$ mkdir -p /home/usrname/pip3_packages
usrname@hostname:~/curr_path$ cp -r TensorRT- /home/usrname/pip3_packages/
usrname@hostname:~/curr_path$ cd /home/usrname/pip3_packages/TensorRT-

D. Uncompress the downloaded tar.gz file.

  • Please note that you do not remove the uncompressed directory, TensorRT-
usrname@hostname:~/pip3_packages/TensorRT-$ tar -xzvf TensorRT-

E. Register an environmental variable.

  • Check the current CUDA toolkit environmental variable, LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
usrname@hostname:~/pip3_packages/TensorRT-$ $LD_LIBRARY_PATH
    bash: /usr/local/cuda-10.2/lib64: Is a directory
  • Register a TensorRT path to the environmental variable, LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
usrname@hostname:~/pip3_packages/TensorRT-$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/home/usrname/pip3_packages/TensorRT-
  • The above things should be done every time when the shell script is initially executed.
    I do not recommend it, but if you want to permanently register environment variables, you can run the command below.
usrname@hostname:~/pip3_packages/TensorRT-$ echo -e "\n## TensorRT paths"  >> ~/.bashrc
usrname@hostname:~/pip3_packages/TensorRT-$ echo 'export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/home/usrname/pip3_packages/TensorRT-' >> ~/.bashrc
usrname@hostname:~/pip3_packages/TensorRT-$ source ~/.bashrc

F. Copy plugins of the TensorRT to the CUDA toolkit directory.

  • I recommend you should backup the original CUDA toolkit directory, /usr/local/cuda-10.2/targets.
usrname@hostname:~/pip3_packages/TensorRT-$ sudo mkdir -p  /usr/local/cuda-originals/cuda-10.2
usrname@hostname:~/pip3_packages/TensorRT-$ sudo cp -r /usr/local/cuda-10.2/targets/ /usr/local/cuda-originals/cuda-10.2/
usrname@hostname:~/pip3_packages/TensorRT-$ sudo cp -r /home/usrname/pip3_packages/TensorRT-* /usr/local/cuda-10.2/targets/x86_64-linux/include/
usrname@hostname:~/pip3_packages/TensorRT-$ sudo cp -r /home/usrname/pip3_packages/TensorRT-* /usr/local/cuda-10.2/targets/x86_64-linux/lib/

G. Install python packages.

  • PyCUDA >= 2019.1.1
  • PyTorch >= 1.3.0
  • Check the default python3 version on the root-envirionment.
usrname@hostname:~/pip3_packages/TensorRT-$ python3 --version
    Python 3.6.9
  • Installation
usrname@hostname:~/pip3_packages/TensorRT-$ pip3 install "pycuda>=2019.1.1"
usrname@hostname:~/pip3_packages/TensorRT-$ pip3 install torch torchvision
usrname@hostname:~/pip3_packages/TensorRT-$ sudo pip3 install ./python/tensorrt-

H. Install UFF packages.

  • Installation
usrname@hostname:~/pip3_packages/TensorRT-$ sudo pip3 install ./uff/uff-0.6.5-py2.py3-none-any.whl
  • Check the UFF path.
usrname@hostname:~/pip3_packages/TensorRT-$ which convert-to-uff

I. Install graphsurgeon packages.

usrname@hostname:~/pip3_packages/TensorRT-$ sudo pip3 install ./graphsurgeon/graphsurgeon-0.4.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl

4. How to install the Torch2TRT

A. Preparations.

usrname@hostname:~/curr_path$ mkdir -p /home/usrname/pip3_packages
usrname@hostname:~/curr_path$ cd /home/usrname/pip3_packages

B. Clone the git from NVIDIA-AI-IOT/torch2trt.

  • I recommend you should not remove the cloned directory, torch2trt.
usrname@hostname:~/pip3_packages$ git clone
usrname@hostname:~/pip3_packages$ cd torch2trt

C. Install the Torch2TRT.

  • Option 1: Without plugins
usrname@hostname:~/pip3_packages/torch2trt$ sudo python3 install
  • Option 2: With plugins
    • When you fail to install the Torch2TRT with plugins and the below error is observed, the plugins of the TensorRT may not be copied correctly. Please refer to the Section 3-F in order to copy the plugins of the TensorRT correctly.
    torch2trt/plugins/interpolate.cpp:6:10: fatal error: NvInfer.h: No such file or directory
     #include <NvInfer.h>
    compilation terminated.
    error: command 'x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc' failed with exit status 1
usrname@hostname:~/pip3_packages/torch2trt$ sudo python3 install --plugins

5. Save and Load model for the Torch2TRT

A. Example.

import torch
from torch2trt import torch2trt, TRTModule

# Save a TRT model from the PyTorch model
x = torch.rand((args.batch,, args.height, args.width)).to(device)
model_trt_1 = torch2trt(model_pytorch, [x]), args.path_ckpt_trt)
# Load the saved TRT model
model_trt_2 = TRTModule()

6. Run a demo code to compare the results between the PyTorch and the TensorRT using the Torch2TRT

A. Clone the git.

usrname@hostname:~/curr_path$ git clone
usrname@hostname:~/curr_path$ cd TensorRT-Torch2TRT

B. Register a TensorRT path to the environmental variable, LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

usrname@hostname:~/curr_path/TensorRT-Torch2TRT$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/home/usrname/pip3_packages/TensorRT-
  • For reference, unregister the temporal registered environmental variable, LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
usrname@hostname:~/curr_path/TensorRT-Torch2TRT$ unset LD_LIBRARY_PATH 

C. Download pretrained weights from the PyTorch Hub.

  • Example model: ResNet-18
usrname@hostname:~/curr_path/TensorRT-Torch2TRT$ wget

D. Get the TensorRT model using the Torch2TRT from the PyTorch model for a customized ResNet-18.

  • To check the function of the Torch2TRT plugins, the interpolation function was added into the ResNet-18 model.
  • Python script:
import torch.nn.functional as F

class ResNet(nn.Module):

    def __init__(self, block, layers, num_classes=1000, zero_init_residual=False,
                 groups=1, width_per_group=64, replace_stride_with_dilation=None,
        super(ResNet, self).__init__()
        if norm_layer is None:
            norm_layer = nn.BatchNorm2d
        self._norm_layer = norm_layer

        self.inplanes = 64
        self.dilation = 1
        if replace_stride_with_dilation is None:
            # each element in the tuple indicates if we should replace
            # the 2x2 stride with a dilated convolution instead
            replace_stride_with_dilation = [False, False, False]
        if len(replace_stride_with_dilation) != 3:
            raise ValueError("replace_stride_with_dilation should be None "
                             "or a 3-element tuple, got {}".format(replace_stride_with_dilation))
        self.groups = groups
        self.base_width = width_per_group
        self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(3, self.inplanes, kernel_size=7, stride=2, padding=3,
        self.bn1 = norm_layer(self.inplanes)
        self.relu = nn.ReLU(inplace=True)
        self.maxpool = nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=1)
        self.layer1 = self._make_layer(block, 64, layers[0])
        self.layer2 = self._make_layer(block, 128, layers[1], stride=2,
        self.layer3 = self._make_layer(block, 256, layers[2], stride=2,
        self.layer4 = self._make_layer(block, 512, layers[3], stride=2,
        self.avgpool = nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d((1, 1))
        self.fc = nn.Linear(512 * block.expansion, num_classes)

        for m in self.modules():
            if isinstance(m, nn.Conv2d):
                nn.init.kaiming_normal_(m.weight, mode='fan_out', nonlinearity='relu')
            elif isinstance(m, (nn.BatchNorm2d, nn.GroupNorm)):
                nn.init.constant_(m.weight, 1)
                nn.init.constant_(m.bias, 0)

        # Zero-initialize the last BN in each residual branch,
        # so that the residual branch starts with zeros, and each residual block behaves like an identity.
        # This improves the model by 0.2~0.3% according to
        if zero_init_residual:
            for m in self.modules():
                if isinstance(m, Bottleneck):
                    nn.init.constant_(m.bn3.weight, 0)
                elif isinstance(m, BasicBlock):
                    nn.init.constant_(m.bn2.weight, 0)

    def _make_layer(self, block, planes, blocks, stride=1, dilate=False):
        norm_layer = self._norm_layer
        downsample = None
        previous_dilation = self.dilation
        if dilate:
            self.dilation *= stride
            stride = 1
        if stride != 1 or self.inplanes != planes * block.expansion:
            downsample = nn.Sequential(
                conv1x1(self.inplanes, planes * block.expansion, stride),
                norm_layer(planes * block.expansion),

        layers = []
        layers.append(block(self.inplanes, planes, stride, downsample, self.groups,
                            self.base_width, previous_dilation, norm_layer))
        self.inplanes = planes * block.expansion
        for _ in range(1, blocks):
            layers.append(block(self.inplanes, planes, groups=self.groups,
                                base_width=self.base_width, dilation=self.dilation,

        return nn.Sequential(*layers)

    def _forward_impl(self, x):
        # See note [TorchScript super()]
        x = self.conv1(x)
        x = self.bn1(x)
        x = self.relu(x)
        x = self.maxpool(x)

        x = self.layer1(x)
        x = self.layer2(x)
        x = self.layer3(x)
        x = self.layer4(x)

        x = self.avgpool(x)
        x = torch.flatten(x, 1)
        x = self.fc(x)

        return x

    def forward(self, x):
        x = F.interpolate(x, scale_factor=2.0, mode='bilinear', align_corners=True)
        return self._forward_impl(x)
  • Python script:
import time
import argparse
import torch
from resnet import resnet18
from torch2trt import torch2trt

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='A example for TensorRT and Torch2TRT')
parser.add_argument('--path_ckpt_pth', type=str, default='./resnet18-5c106cde.pth', help='Path for a pretrained PyTorch weights.')
parser.add_argument('--path_ckpt_trt', type=str, default='.', help='Path for a TRT weights.')
parser.add_argument('--batch', type=int, default=1, help='A batch of an input tensor')
parser.add_argument('--channel', type=int, default=3, help='A channel of an input tensor')
parser.add_argument('--height', type=int, default=224, help='A height of an input tensor')
parser.add_argument('--width', type=int, default=224, help='A width of an input tensor')
args = parser.parse_args()

if __name__ == '__main__':
    if args.batch != 1:
        raise ValueError('The args.batch should be 1 because the Torch2TRT does not support multi-batch size.')

    time_preparation_tic = time.time()
    if torch.cuda.is_available() is True:
        device = torch.device('cuda')
        device = torch.device('cpu')

    time_start = time.time()

    model_pth = resnet18().eval().to(device)
    x = torch.rand((args.batch,, args.height, args.width)).to(device)
    model_trt = torch2trt(model_pth, [x]), './resnet18_{}x{}-trt.pth'.format(args.height, args.width))

    time_end = time.time()

    print('Time [sec.]: {:.3f}'.format(time_end - time_start))
usrname@hostname:~/curr_path/TensorRT-Torch2TRT$ python3
Time [sec.]: 8.129

E. Compare results between PyTorch and the TensorRT using the Torch2TRT for the ResNet-18.

  • Python script:
import os
import time
import argparse
from tqdm import tqdm
import numpy as np

import statistics
import torch
from resnet import resnet18
from torch2trt import TRTModule

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='A example for TensorRT and Torch2TRT')
parser.add_argument('--path_ckpt_pth', type=str, default='./resnet18-5c106cde.pth', help='Path for a pretrained PyTorch weights.')
parser.add_argument('--batch', type=int, default=1, help='A batch of an input tensor')
parser.add_argument('--channel', type=int, default=3, help='A channel of an input tensor')
parser.add_argument('--height', type=int, default=224, help='A height of an input tensor')
parser.add_argument('--width', type=int, default=224, help='A width of an input tensor')
parser.add_argument('--n_times', type=int, default=100, help='The number of iterations')
parser.add_argument('--warmup_time', type=int, default=5, help='The number of warmup')
args = parser.parse_args()

class AverageMeterTimeValue:
    def __init__(self, _warmup_time=0):
        self.warmup_time = _warmup_time
        self.cnt_call = 0
        self.list_time = []
        self.list_val = []

    def tic(self):
        self.time_start = time.time()

    def toc(self):
        self.time_end = time.time()
        self.cnt_call += 1

        if self.warmup_time < self.cnt_call:

    def rec(self, _ndarr):

    def _mean(self, _list):
        if len(_list) == 0:
            raise ZeroDivisionError

        return sum(_list) / len(_list)

    def _update_time(self):
        self.list_time.append(self.time_end - self.time_start)
        self.tot_time = sum(self.list_time)
        self.avg_time = self._mean(_list=self.list_time)
        self.avg_fps = 1 / self.avg_time
        self.max_time = max(self.list_time)
        self.min_time = min(self.list_time)

class AverageMeterStat:
    def __init__(self):
        self.list_avg = []
        self.list_max = []
        self.list_min = []

    def rec(self, _ndarr):

if __name__ == '__main__':
    if args.batch != 1:
        raise ValueError('The args.batch should be 1 because the Torch2TRT does not support multi-batch size.')

    time_preparation_tic = time.time()
    if torch.cuda.is_available() is True:
        device = torch.device('cuda')
        device = torch.device('cpu')

    avgmeter_pth = AverageMeterTimeValue(_warmup_time=args.warmup_time)
    avgmeter_trt = AverageMeterTimeValue(_warmup_time=args.warmup_time)
    avgmeter_gpusynch_pth = AverageMeterTimeValue(_warmup_time=args.warmup_time)
    avgmeter_gpusynch_trt = AverageMeterTimeValue(_warmup_time=args.warmup_time)
    avgmeter_error = AverageMeterStat()
    time_preparation_toc = time.time()

    time_model_pth_tic = time.time()
    model_pth = resnet18().eval().to(device)
    x = torch.rand((args.batch,, args.height, args.width)).to(device)
    time_model_pth_toc = time.time()

    time_model_trt_tic = time.time()
    model_trt = TRTModule()

    path_ckpt_trt = './resnet18_{}x{}-trt.pth'.format(args.height, args.width)

    if os.path.isfile(path=path_ckpt_trt) is True:
        raise ValueError('The ckpt file, {}, is not existed.'.format(path_ckpt_trt))

    time_model_trt_toc = time.time()

    time_computation_tic = time.time()
    for idx in tqdm(range(args.n_times)):
        x = torch.rand((args.batch,, args.height, args.width)).to(device)

        # TRT Network forward
        y_trt = model_trt(x)
        # TRT GPU Synch.
        ndarr_y_trt =

        # PyTorch Network forward
        y_pth = model_pth(x)
        # PyTorch GPU Synch.
        ndarr_y_pytroch =

        avgmeter_error.rec(_ndarr=np.abs(ndarr_y_pytroch - ndarr_y_trt))
    time_computation_toc = time.time()

    time_total = time_computation_toc - time_preparation_tic
    time_preparation = time_preparation_toc - time_preparation_tic
    time_model_pth = time_model_pth_toc - time_model_pth_tic
    time_model_trt = time_model_trt_toc - time_model_trt_tic
    time_computation = time_computation_toc - time_computation_tic

    print('Time profile. unit: sec. [FPS]')
    print('i)   Total:                {:.3f} [{:5.2f}]'.format(time_total, 1 / time_total))
    print('ii)  Preparation:          {:.3f} [{:5.2f}]'.format(time_preparation, 1 / time_preparation))
    print('iii) Load model (PyTorch): {:.3f} [{:5.2f}]'.format(time_model_pth, 1 / time_model_pth))
    print('iv)  Load model (TRT):     {:.3f} [{:5.2f}]'.format(time_model_trt, 1 / time_model_trt))
    print('v)   Computation:          {:.3f} [{:5.2f}]'.format(time_computation, 1/ time_computation))

    print('Network forward: PyTorch: {:.2e} [{:.2e}], TRT: {:.2e} [{:.2e}]'.format(avgmeter_pth.avg_time, avgmeter_pth.avg_fps, avgmeter_trt.avg_time, avgmeter_trt.avg_fps))
    print('GPU Synch.:      PyTorch: {:.2e} [{:.2e}], TRT: {:.2e} [{:.2e}]'.format(avgmeter_gpusynch_pth.avg_time, avgmeter_gpusynch_pth.avg_fps, avgmeter_gpusynch_trt.avg_time, avgmeter_gpusynch_trt.avg_fps))
    print('Error: {:.3e}'.format(statistics.mean(avgmeter_error.list_max)))
# The error means averaged maximum absolute difference.

usrname@hostname:~/curr_path/TensorRT-Torch2TRT$ python3
100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 100/100 [00:00<00:00, 192.86it/s]
Time profile. unit: sec. [FPS]
i)   Total:                3.432 [ 0.29]
ii)  Preparation:          0.017 [60.33]
iii) Load model (PyTorch): 1.578 [ 0.63]
iv)  Load model (TRT):     1.277 [ 0.78]
v)   Computation:          0.560 [ 1.78]
Network forward: PyTorch: 2.20e-03 [ 455.08], TRT: 1.73e-04 [5781.47]
GPU Synch.:      PyTorch: 6.80e-04 [1469.87], TRT: 1.73e-03 [ 576.62]
Error: 3.399e-06

7. Results

  • Unit: sec. [FPS]
  • Inference speed (Network forward): The averaged inference speed of the TensorRT using the Torch2TRT is much faster than that of the PyTorch without any other hardware-acceleration.
    • PyTorch: 2.20e-03 [ 455.08]
    • TensorRT: 1.73e-04 [5781.47]
  • GPU latency (GPU synchronization): The averaged gpu synchronization speed of the TensorRT using the Torch2TRT is faster than that of the PyTorch without any other hardware-acceleration.
    • PyTorch: 6.80e-04 [1469.87]
    • TensorRT: 1.73e-03 [ 576.62]
  • Accuracy: There is no difference in accuracy between the PyTorch and TensorRT using Torch2TRT computations.
    • Error: 3.399e-06
    • Error is calculated between the PyTorch and the TensorRT using the Torch2TRT by the averaged maximum absolute difference.


A guide for TensorRT and Torch2TRT







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