Webpack loader for converting Markdown files to alive Vue components.
- Live vue/html code blocks
- Cache markdown component and code block components
- Hot reload
- Built-in syntax highlighter with highlightjs
- Code block style modifier
- Configurable markdown-it parser
Support two kinds of code blocks to live:
- html code
- vue code
<div :class="$style.root">
<u-input v-model="value"></u-input>
export default {
data() {
return {
value: 'Hello world!',
<style module>
.root {
width: 200px;
background: #eee;
You can attach more styles enclosed in braces after code block lang. For example: html {width: 30%}
npm i -D @vusion/md-vue-loader
Simply use @vusion/md-vue-loader
to load .md
files and chain it with your vue-loader
module.exports = {
module: {
rules: [{
test: /\.md$/,
loader: 'vue-loader!@vusion/md-vue-loader',
Note that to get code highlighting to work, you need to:
- Include one of the highlight.js css files into your project. For example: (https://highlightjs.org/static/demo/styles/atom-one-dark.css).
- Specify a lang in code block. Ref: creating and highlighting code blocks).
module.exports = {
module: {
rules: [{
test: /\.md$/,
use: [
loader: '@vusion/md-vue-loader',
options: {
// your preferred options
Remember that you can override options in markdown files query.
const routes = [
{ path: 'article', component: import('./article.md?live=false') },
Just chain @vusion/md-vue-loader
with vue-loader
in your vue.config.js
module.exports = {
chainWebpack(config) {
Enable/Disable live detecting and assembling vue/html code blocks.
- Type:
- Default:
Process after fetching live components from code blocks
- Type:
- Default:
- @param {string} live - code of live components
- @param {string} code - highlighted code of raw content
- @param {string} content - raw content
- @param {string} lang - code block lang
- @param {string} modifier - string enclosed in braces after lang. Used to modify style by defaults. Actually, You can do whatever you want, but take care about XSS.
For example:
codeProcess(live, code, content, lang, modifier) {
// do anything
return `<div${modifier ? ' style="' + modifier + '"' : ''}>${live}</div>` + '\n\n' + code;
For another example, suppose you have a complex container component called <code-example>
, with some useful slots.
codeProcess(live, code, content, lang, modifier) {
// do anything
return `<code-example lang="${lang}">
<div${modifier ? ' style="' + modifier + '"' : ''}>${live}</div>
<div slot="code">${code}</div>
The wrapper of entire markdown content, can be HTML tag name or Vue component name.
- Type:
- Default:
markdown-it options.
- Type:
- Default:
html: true,
langPrefix: 'lang-',
highlight: (content, lang, modifier) => {
content = content.trim();
lang = lang.trim();
let hlLang = lang;
if (lang === 'vue')
hlLang = 'html';
let code = '';
if (hlLang && hljs.getLanguage(hlLang)) {
try {
const result = hljs.highlight(hlLang, content).value;
code = `<pre class="hljs ${markdown.options.langPrefix}${lang}"><code>${result}</code></pre>\n`;
} catch (e) {}
} else {
const result = markdown.utils.escapeHtml(content);
code = `<pre class="hljs"><code>${result}</code></pre>\n`;
const live = this.options.live ? this.liveComponent(lang, content) : '';
return this.options.codeProcess.call(this, live, code, content, lang, modifier);
markdown-it plugins list.
- Type:
- Default:
For example:
plugins: [
markdown-it renderer rules.
- Type:
- Default:
For example:
rules: {
'table_open': () => '<div class="table-responsive"><table class="table">',
'table_close': () => '</table></div>'
Process before converting.
- Type:
- Default:
- @param {string} source - Markdown source content
For example:
preprocess(source) {
// do anything
return source
Process after converting.
- Type:
- Default:
- @param {string} result - Final converted result
For example:
postprocess(result) {
// do anything
return result
- Type:
- Default:
npm run test
open test/index.html
npm run test:options
open test/index.html
npm run test:plugins
open test/index.html
npm run test:dev
See Releases