The repository contains iPython notebooks with all the supporting files to run them.
Python libraries needed to run the notebooks:
glob, h5py, numpy, pylab, scipy, functools
openfermion, openfermionprojectq, openfermionpsi4 (Github repository)
projectq (ProjectQ repository)
For the Rigetti Forest framework and Notebook, one also needs to install
- pyQuil (See Documentation)
- forestopenfermion for OpenFermion interface (Github repository)
- Grove with a set of quantum algorithms (See Documentation)
- Run_Ethylene-4-qubit.ipynb - 4 qubit quantum chemistry example with OpenFermion and ProjectQ
- Run_Ethylene-4-qubit.ipynb - 4 qubit quantum chemistry example with OpenFermion and Forest/pyQuil from Rigetti
- Run_Ethylene-8-qubit.ipynb - 8 qubit quantum chemistry example with OpenFermion and ProjectQ
- Nuclear.ipynb - 2-8 qubit nuclear model from the (ORNL paper)