This project was built with Spring cloud.
In the project directory, you can run:
make up
- Sonar http://localhost:7000/about.
- Redis Publish on 7001
- MySql jdbc:mysql://project-sso-db:7002/db
- username: user \
- password: user123
- Kibana http://localhost:7005/app/home#/.
- Spring Config Server http://localhost:8000/project-config-server/configs/project-eureka-server.yml.
- name: user
- password: bdec5578-6c9b-4ae8-9fd5-3e77ccd504ad
- Discovery Server http://localhost:8001/project-eureka-server/.
- name: user
- password: bdec5578-6c9b-4ae8-9fd5-3e77ccd504ad
- Uaa Cloud Foundry http://localhost:8002/uaa/login.
- name: user
- password: a2f3a022-42d7-4a7c-a92f-5af3679d77d8
- Gateway Server http://localhost:8005/login.
- name: user
- password: a2f3a022-42d7-4a7c-a92f-5af3679d77d8
- Project Tests 1 http://localhost:8007/project-resources/actuator.
- Project Tests 2 http://localhost:8008/project-tests/.
For further reference, please consider the following sections:
- Official Apache Maven documentation
- Spring Boot Maven Plugin Reference Guide
- Create an OCI image
- Spring Web
- Spring Boot DevTools
- Spring Configuration Processor
- Spring Security
- OAuth2 Client
- OAuth2 Resource Server
- Eureka Server
- Eureka Discovery Client
The following guides illustrate how to use some features concretely:
- Centralized Configuration
- Building a RESTful Web Service
- Serving Web Content with Spring MVC
- Building REST services with Spring
- Securing a Web Application
- Spring Boot and OAuth2
- Authenticating a User with LDAP
- Service Registration and Discovery with Eureka and Spring Cloud
- Using Spring Cloud Gateway