- 📝 Understanding word vectors
- 🚂 What is word2vec, 🚂 Color Vectors
- 📚 2013 paper Efficient Estimation of Word Representations in Vector Space
- 📚 2018 Universal Sentence Encoder paper
- 🎨 Embeddings Projector and Visualizing High Dimensional Space, Atlas
- 📝 Embeddings tutorial from Cohere
- 📚 What are embeddings? by Vicki Boykis
- 📚 Embeddings: What they are and why they matter
- 📚 Using open-source models for faster and cheaper text embeddings
- 📚 Similarity between words and sentences
- 🎥 Cosine Similarity from StatQuest
- 💻 Making your own Embeddings "Database", uses bge-large-en-v1.5
- 💻 Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) with p5.js + Replicate
- Understanding UMAP
- umap-js
- UMAP p5.js examples