Superresolution microscopy analysis platform
Documentation and installation instructions at: /Documents/Manual/ Instructions for using SMAP to analyze nuclear pore complex standard samples: /Documentation/Manual/SMAP_manual_NPC.pdf
Matlab 2016a or newer. Toolboxes: Optimization, Image processing, Curve fitting, Statistics and Machine Learning. A stand-alone version will be released, but will be limited in extensibility.
Mac or Windows
For GPU fitting: Windows, NVIDIA graphics card. CUDA driver (recommended: version 7.5).
Clone git repository:
a. Use Terminal (MacOS) or Cmd (Win). Use cd to navigate to the target directory. (e.g. cd git)
b. Type:
git clone and type in your username and password for your git account.c. Install the 3D fitter by typing
git clone
Install Micromanager 1.4.22 from
If needed install
In Matlab: run SMAP.m, if questioned, change folder.
In the Menu select SMAP/Preferences... Switch to the Directories tab and select the directories of Micro-Manager and of the bioformats_package.jar. Press Save and exit.
Typical install times: 15 minutes.