A simple Syno DSM API warpper using Python
This repo with official document link
mv config.template.py config.py
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Build Uniform Requester
- Buid Warpper API using Flask
- Build Unit Tests
- FileStation API(From FileSatation API Doc version 2023.03)
- SYNO.FileStation.Info (Provide File Station info)
- SYNO.FileStation.List (List all shared folders, enumerate files in a shared folder,and get detailed file information.)
- SYNO.FileStation.Search (Search files on given criteria.)
- SYNO.FileStation.VirtualFolder(List all mount point folders of virtual file system, e.g., CIFSor ISO.)
- SYNO.FileStation.Favorite (Add a folder to user's favorites or perform operations on user's favorites.)
- SYNO.FileStation.Thumb (Get a thumbnail of a file.)
- SYNO.FileStation.DirSize (Get the total size of files/folders within folder(s).)
- SYNO.FileStation.MD5 (Get MD5 of a file.)
- SYNO.FileStation.CheckPermission (Check if the file/folder has permission of a file/folder or not.)
- SYNO.FileStation.Upload (Upload a file)
- SYNO.FileStation.Download (Download files/folders.)
- SYNO.FileStation.Sharing (Generate a sharing link to share files/folders with other people and perform operations on sharing links.)
- SYNO.FileStation.CreateFolder
- SYNO.FileStation.Rename (Rename a file/folder.)
- SYNO.FileStation.CopyMove (Copy/Move files/folders.)
- SYNO.FileStation.Delete (Delete files/folders.)
- Blocking Delete
- Non-Blocking Delete
- SYNO.FileStation.Extract (Extract an archive and perform operations on an archive.)
- Simple Compleate
- Complex logic
- SYNO.FileStation.Compress (Compress files/folders.)
- Simple Compleate
- Complex logic
- SYNO.FileStation.BackgroundTask(Get information regarding tasks of file operations which are run as the background process including copy, move, delete, compress and extract tasks or perform operations
- List
- Clear Finished Task on these background tasks.)
- User API
- SYNO.API.Auth(Login)
- SYNO.API.Info(Get All API Info)
- System Core
- SYNO.Core.System.info (Get the dsm system info)
- SYNO.Core.System.Utilization(Get dsm system untilizations)
- DSMNetwork(Get dsm network infomation)
- DSMService(Get enable service info)
- DSMTerminal(Set DSM Terminal Setting)
- Others.
- Download Station API(Synology_Download Station Official API_20140326)