Convert hex strings to PGP word lists and vice-versa.
See PGP word list on WikiPedia for more information.
I've also written a Ruby version: ruby-pgp-word-list.
Include pgp-word-list.js, which provides following functions:
> pgp_words_to_hex(["stairway", "souvenir", "flytrap", "recipe"])
=> ["D1", "D4", "64", "C0"]
> pgp_hex_to_words(["D1", "D4", "64", "C0"])
=> ["stairway", "souvenir", "flytrap", "recipe"]
also singular pgp_word_to_hex(word)
and pgp_hex_to_word(hex, position)
> var hexstring = 'd1d4 64c0';
> pgp_hex_to_words(hexstring.toUpperCase().replace(/[^0-9A-F]/g,'').match(/.{1,2}/g))
=> ["stairway", "souvenir", "flytrap", "recipe"]
> var wordstring = 'stairway souvenir flytrap recipe';
> pgp_words_to_hex(wordstring.split(' '))
=> ["D1", "D4", "64", "C0"]
> pgp_words_to_hex(wordstring.split(' ')).join(' ')
=> "D1 D4 64 C0"
Warren Guy [email protected]
The word list itself belongs to PGP Corporation.
MIT license. See LICENSE