前幾層的資料夾是有包含ROS的,純車尾燈辨識的程式在 itriadv/src/sensing/ itri_vehicle_signal/model 底下 執行前要先把dataset準備好
Rear Signal Dataset http://vllab1.ucmerced.edu/~hhsu22/rear_signal/rear_signal
If just want to use pre-train model to run the VGG16-WaveNet, go to itriadv/src/sensing/ itri_vehicle_signal/model, and run clasify.py
pre-train model (不知道學校的gmail甚麼時候會關起來) Turn light : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LkLLo_ki_tr7zLdrQl2mT9PABS7qGdcY/view?usp=sharing Brake light : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1khSyjkEBZW-zH3pzMszdr8MGXV2JYVy1/view?usp=sharing
This repository contains the source codes of self-driving car maintained by ITRI ICL-U.
- Ubuntu 18.04
- ROS Melodic
- OpenCV 4.2.0
- PCL 1.9.1
- Cuda (Optional)
- TensorRT (Optional)
See Automatic Scripts about how to install tem.
catkin_make -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
Tips: Run sudo apt-get install ccache
to speed up the build process.