Simple tool which stores salted and hashed passwords in a database with a seperate name lookup database.
Not intended for actual use, just a proof of concept to exhibit the different tools working together.
Solo development to advance my python skills and knowledge.
Clone the git repo and enter the directory
git clone
cd passstore
###Install requirements Use pip method
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
For Ubuntu/debian you may need to install pyqt5 from your package manager like below.
sudo apt install python3-pyqt5
Run the app
For older
Multiple services (gmail, skype, eBay, etc.) can be stored each with multiple passwords and usernames
Data is salted and hashed using a password. This cannot be recovered
Database holds data after it has been salted and hashed
Usernames and passwords are not readable in plain text. Salt is saved as a bytes object.